Hya friends!
Did you have a good Christmas?
I did, considering all my boys are grown and gone.
(I got to see almost all of them on the Day, which is all I need).
Well, it's nice and peaceful now it's all over for another year and I've finally had time to sit and make a card.
This is for a young woman in my street who found out a few days ago that she's expecting a boy.
The image is one I've had forever!
It's by Pink Petticoat. 'Lola Rose with sentiment'. (It may be discontinued).
It seemed the perfect choice.
It's pretty self-explanatory, so no need to give you all the boring deeets.
Well my friends. Are you ready for the New Year?
Whether you are or you aren't , I wish for you a VERY peaceful and Happy one!

Hi Viv
Glad you had a lovely Christmas...good to hear you saw most of your family..
Loving this image...and you`re right...it`s perfect for a mum-to-be!
big hugs
Christine x
Congrats to your neighbor...what an amazing card!
Such a great image and beautiful card! Happy New Year to you my sweet friend!
Gorgeous card Viv, so glad you got to see most of the family :o)
Jackie xx
Great card Viv, the image is perfect! Glad to hear you had a lovely Christmas. I'm looking forward to the New Year, hoping 2013 is better than 2014! xx
What a fantastic card, Viv! That image is really great! :o)
Congrats to your friend. She is going to LOVE this card. It looks like a Stamping Bella stamp--one of my favourite companies but I stopped buying from them because the rubber isn't deeply etched and it usually takes 3 tries to hit the mark with a clean image. Love your pretty DP and colouring.
Brilliant card Viv :D
Good old Pink Petticoat!!!!!
That image is just too fun :) I'm sure she will LOVE receiving this! Cheers to a fabulous 2014!
How sweet of you to make such a darling card for your neighbor. Love the layout! Am I ready for New Years???? I wasn't ready for Christmas....definitely not ready for the New Year! LOL!! Boy, time sure does go by fast. Happy New Year to you! :)
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