Gardening (yak) and taxiing Alan to the doctors 3 times this week.
I DID manage two cards! WOW! One was my DT card for Peachy Keen and the other for Mercy's sketch challenge.
I'm getting withdrawal symptoms!!
On a much lighter note, I wanted to show you this fabulous 'Pay it forward' I received from Natalie of Crafting Fun!

I'm thrilled to bits with it because Natalie thought of me in the first place and because it's so perfect! It's the little sister to my tote bag, even the same gorgeous colours and is JUST wonderful!!!
Natalie, I've taken a while putting it on here, but I wanted to give it it's own well deserved space.
Not only this wonderful little surprise package, but the most gorgeous card too! Look....

Isn't it GORGEOUS!!!
Natalie! Thank you SO much for these. I'm absolutely delighted.
Now it's MY turn to 'Pass it forward'.
It started with the movie "Pay it forward". The role model of Haley Joel Osment, gives a great deed to another person. The only condition for the one who receives it, is that he or she has to then promise to do something that matters to others. Someone has now taken this principle further, and made it into a gift. The rules are simple - everyone can join, and only 3 rules have to be fulfilled:
1. You must have your own blog, so that you can spread the message.
2. You must like to make others happy.
3. You must ship your gifts to 3 people within the next 365 days
I'm passing MY 3 gifts forward now to...........
Sassy Sue
Lisa and Barbara, please e-mail me your address.
These brave ladies, have had, or are having, a traumatic time and I hope by choosing them I can put a smile on their faces for a moment or two.
Thank you Natalie! Viv xxx
Hello again!
I just found your comment on my page about my little surprise! My tears stopped long enough to email you :)
Check your email since I don't want to bombard you with another one...
THANK you from the bottom of my heart..
You are very sweet to play along with this. You received a lovely gift yourself.
Hello Viv, thank you so much, I am very honoured to receive this, its so kind of you to think of me, made my day.
I have emailed you too, thanks again you are a star.
boooo hooooo sob sob....sniff right what was i gonna say cept fanks so much and it made me smile just getting your comments bless you you is an angel ..the first time we on the naughty step and you standing over a couldron oh happy days eh!!!! huggies sass i suppose youve lost me addy so will mail yer huns
lOVE YOUR CARD. Glad to know you are well but just so busy. Here too! Take care
Well done on your lovely gift and card Viv, couldn't happen to a nicer person :o)
Jackie xx
How would one participate in this pay it forward??? I love giving. What an amazing card and great idea.
I am so glad you liked your card and PIF candy. x
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