Firstly, may I express my sorrow and condolences to all the people affected by the Boston Marathon bombings and the Texas West explosion and their families.
Spring has finally sprung!
Spring has finally sprung!
and both the Current and Alumni Teams
have come together to celebrate and bring you some Spring inspired
Grab your favourite beverage, and take a few minutes out of your busy day to relax and join us for our....
The hop is divided into two separate days. 18th and 25th April.
(You'd be hopping 'till Christmas otherwise)! LOL
I'll be uploading my cards on the 25th.
In the meantime, please pop on over to the Peachy Keen blog for all the details and to see the amazing work done by my amazing and MEGA talented DT sisters old and new!
There is a wonderful prize for one lucky winner too!

Hi Viv, I just want to join you in your condolence message to all of those innocent people...hugs
Jackie xx
going to check out everyones creations
stop by and see what is going on at the blog hop.
Hugs, Patricia
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