Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Happy birthday to my blog!!!! Have some candy!

Sorry girls, candy now closed!
Thanks to Teena in Toronto's comment, I've been reminded that today is my blog's THIRD birthday!! 
Whoo hoo! Where HAVE those three years gone!
That SURELY calls for some candy eh!
How about this......

To win this birthday blog candy, all you have to do is...
put this picture on your sidebar and tell peeps about the candy, 
then leave a comment telling me you've done  it.
I will keep it open until next Sunday 20th March.
Good luck and thank you for your continued support over the past three incident packed but VERY enjoyable years!



1 abusybee - DoubleClick Connections said...

Congrats on your third Blog-birthday! I posted your candy on my sidebar and already a follower!

2 Unknown said...

Hi, congrats your 3rd blog bday...I posted our candy on my sidebar... I'm a follower too.

3 Josie0602 said...

Congrats on your Blog Birthday! I added your giveaway to my sidebar:

Thanks for the chance to win!

4 Tina said...

congrats on your blog follower and happy to be love your blog and wonderful creations...i posted to my blog about your yummy candy giveaway...thanks for a chance to win


5 terriavidreader (IN-USA) said...

Happy Blogaversary Viv! And thanks for a chance at some goodies!

6 Michelle said...

Congrats on your Birthday and thanks for the opportunity to win.

7 Michelle said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
8 Anita said...

Congrats on your 3th birthday. I posted the candy in my sitebar. Thanks for a chance to win. X Anita

9 Suzi Mac said...

Hi Viv, Congrats on your blogaversary. Hope you are feeling a lot better. I will pop your candy on my sidebar, it's lovely. Take care sweetie.
Suzi x

10 olga said...

Congrats on your 3rd Blog Birthday! I added your giveaway to my sidebar:

Thanks so much for the chance to win!


11 Njeri said...

Congrats on your 3rd blogging birthday, happy to celebrate with you. I put the pic on my side bar. Hugs from Africa.

12 mitch1066 said...

Wow congrats!I just love the online crafting community!Thanks for sharing your creativity...i posted at
in sidebar.

13 Marianne said...

Congratulations on your third bloganniversary and thanks for the chance on your candy. Awesome! Hugs, Marianne

14 Ukka said...

Happy anniversary to your blog!:) May you inspire more people like me with your work!:)
Your candy just awesome! Thanks and thanks for the chance to win! I really want to be the lucky winner. Linked candy on my sidebar and I'm your follower.

15 Rosalee said...

Happy Blogaversary Viv. Great giveaway...I would so love a chance.
I've linked your giveaway to my sidebar. Thanks for the chance
Hugs, Rosalee

16 Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary. I posted on my sidebar at
I am a long time follower also

17 Beth Norman said...

Congratulations on your third anniversary. That came around fast.

18 Lisa B said...

Oh Happy 3rd Birthday Viv!!!!!! You look fantastic for turning 3!! LOL

19 Unknown said...

Happy Blogaversary!!! Posted a link on my blog, thanks!!!
miller896042 at bellsouth dot net

20 Saundra said...

Happy Blogaversary, Viv! I poted your picture in my side bar at

And I announced it on my Facebook page:

Love your blog!
Saundra :)

21 Brigitte said...

Congratulations!!! I put your blog candy on my sidebar and put a post about it!
brigitteetleschats at hotmail dot com

22 sammi said...

Yummy candy! Thanks for the chance to win! I put your candy on my sidebar for all to see! Happy Blog Birthday!

23 Helen said...

Ops, posted in the wrong area!

What a nice selection of candy!!!

I added your picture to my blog and let them to to check your blog out!

24 Tsky said...

I would like to participate in this give away, the gift is precious! Iannounce in my blog on my right sidebar!

25 Edel said...

So lovely candy, dear!!!
Thanks a lot for a chance to win!


26 Dana Desmond said...

I posted your candy on my blog. I'm also a follower.

Congrats on a great year!!
Dana Desmond

27 cebelica said...

Wow, 3 years ... Congrats! And thank you for the chance to win this yummy candy. That's really sweet of you! I posted the picture of your candy to the sidebar of my blog.


28 Desirée-ScrapDees said...

congrats with yr blog birhtday!
Love to take a chance for yr candy!

29 Kim. said...

Woohoo happy blogaversary to you. Thanks for the chance to win this lovely candy I have linked it on my sidebar.
Kim xXx

30 Tanya said...

Сongrats Vivienne!!!
Thanks for the chance to win this awesome candy!
I would like to be the lucky winner :)
Linked it on my blog.

31 Larisa said...

Hello Vivienne!!!! Сongrats !!!!!!
Great giveaway! I linked it on sidebar
I am so happy to find this blog and I'm a follower! Thanks for the chance to win!
Hugs. Larisa. xxx

32 Agnieszka said...

Congrats on a great year!!

33 Henriëtte said...

Congrats on your Blog Birthday.
Thanks for the chance to win this awesome candy!
I put your candy on my blog's sidebar. Fingers crossed!!!
Hugs Henriëtte

34 Regena said...

Super candy!! thanks for being so generous..Congrats on ur bloganniversary..I linked u up on my sidebar and became a follower

35 mw_scrap said...

Happy 3rd Birthday on your blog...Thanks for a chance on your blog candy. Mary Ann

36 Nikki said...

Congrats on your 3rd blogoversary :) and thanks for the wonderful chance to win such goodies hugs Nikki C
I've linked you all up too

37 Hildes Scrappeunivers said...

Congratulations ♥

Thanks for giving me the chance to win :)

Hugs, Hilde (Norway)

38 ol4ikpsf said...

Congrats on a great year!!

39 Инна_A said...

Super candy!! Thanks for the chance to win this awesome candy!

40 Аня said...

Thanx for the chance to win!)

41 Penny said...

I am a follower, but do not have a blog. I can tell my friends about your blog.

pennyspad at sbcglobaldot net

42 Hlora said...

I am new in scrapbooking, and I really need in this amount of goodies you offer. Thank you!
I linked it on sidebar.
hugs. Hlora.
