Wednesday, 13 May 2009

While the cat's away......

The 'mouse' has been really busy! DH Alan, zoomed off yesterday morning on his road trip to Switzerland.
I've bathed the dog, cut the grass, vacuumed the carpets, polished the furniture and re-arranged the corner pan cupboard and emptied another cupboard in the kitchen. OH! And cleaned the soot smudges off the carpet in front of the fire.
I need a fender to stop the soot from the fake coals landing on the carpet, as they are a nightmare to clean off. Cillit Bang! to the rescue!!!
Now anyone who knows me, knows what a good girl I've been, 'cuz my priorities are cardmaking, rubber stamping and colouring.
All this because we are having new gas pipes laid and I'm house-locked at the moment. I usually go see Mum on a Wednesday, and shall still go, but later, when the workmen go home for the night, (to put her hair in curlers ready for her weekly outing tomorrow).

I'll be back tomorrow with the SAS Thursday Challenge!!

Thanks for visiting. Viv xxx


1 Renee said...

Wow what a busy busy girl!

2 Jackie said...

Steady on Viv, you'll become domesticated if you aren't careful :o)
Don't want you laid up for Sunday!
Jackie xx

3 LORi said...

You have been a busy little bee!!!!
