Tuesday 23 December 2008

All carded out for now!

Well, it's been a while since I was able to put anything on here.
I've been busy, (as have we all), with the lead-up to Christmas and Doing things for Mum etc.
I DID manage to make a few more cards though betwixt and between other stuff.
I will be sad to put my glitter away, I must admit.
I AM determined though, that NEXT year,
I will NOT end up rushing to get them posted at the end of December.
I WILL be organised next time.....yeah right! LOL
Here you are then, my last ones for 2008...........


Wishing all you wonderful ladies out there in Blog land


Thank you for supporting my blog, your comments and your kindness.

Viv xxx


Ila said...

Gorgeous cards Viv...everyone of them...and I say exactly the same thing...about next year....LOL...Wishing you and yours a Verry Merry Christmas and Happy Healthy New Year!!..Hugs, Ila

Diane.W. said...

Beautiful cards,Viv & all so different!!!
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year :o)x

Els G. said...

Gorgeous cards Viv!
Just passing by to wish you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas!
Hugs from Belgium.

Anonymous said...

`Wow` `Wow`Wow` Vi..These are all `stunning`..TFS
Have a lovely time..lots of love:)

Linda Crowder said...

Love the music. Very relaxing. Thanks. And you did end Chrismas with a BANG, didn't you? I wonder why you think you have been busy? No one could imagine what you do to stay that way...Merry Christmas!

Renee said...

Oh these are beautiful! I know what you mean about being busy! My sons wedding is today and I'm trying to stay busy until I need to get ready! My tummy is in knots!!

Jennifer Meyer said...

Beautiful cards Viv, WOW! I LOVE them all! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas, best wishes for the New Year!

Hugs & kisses,
Jennifer :)

Anonymous said...

If I dont get round just like to say..
Best wishes for a `Happy and Healthy New Year` to you and your beautiful family...
`thanks` for always leaving sweet comments my friend:)
Have a fab time:)~X~

Ali Watson said...

a wonderful selection of cards. Al gorgeous. Happy New Year when it comes.
