Sunday 4 May 2008

It's Sunday and I can smell curry!!

Alan is making a curry for my youngest son BJ and his fiance.

He makes it early to give it chance to mature a bit before we sit down at around 6:30pm. Yummy!!

It's quite approriate today, as the weather has gone from yesterday's glorious heatwave, to torrential rain today!! :0O
English weather is crumby! No wonder we talk about it a's SO variable day to day. *rolls eyes in resignation*. LOL

Anyway, never mind the weather, here's what I made this morning.

It's kind of developed from the CCT theme of

'In the garden'.
I wanted to use the gorgeous bright, almost turquoise blue but struggled because that's not an immediate colour one would associate with a garden.
Then I remembered the remit was for anything 'to do' with a garden....

so, I thought this would be OK as it's got flowers on it!

Flowers grow in the garden, so that's fine. :)

What do you think? It's a bit different from what I've been doing lately.

I DO wish Blogger could sort out this problem with uploading pictures.
Using Photobucket is like walking through mud, and Picassa shrinks your pictures!



Maria's Cards said...

This card is gorgeous. love the colours and the layout. x

Anonymous said...

cooooo eeeeee thawt it wer time i paid ya a visit (thers no idin place from me gal !!! love your latest card absolutely scrumptious would look lovely on me mantlepiece hee hee hee

Handcrafted With Love said...

......... Another stunning card Viv - don't forget to tell Alan to save some curry for ME!!! :0))

Love Pam xx

My Paper World said...

It's GORGEOUS Viv! and Mmmmmm! your curry sounds delicious! xx

icelady said...

grrrrrrrr didnt tell me Alan was making curry, lol ,great looking card Viv,

Natalie said...

It's gorgeous Viv, I love the colour and the layout. x

Andrea, said...

Another fab card Viv, great colours

Jacqueline van der Sar - Crejakaarten said...

And this one is really great, love that lay-out and colors!

Renee said...

Such a pretty card! I love the colors you chose and the layout. Thank you for sharing!

Jennifer Love said...

I LOVE this card! Ahh! Great!

I sometimes use for uploading pictures (for my personal blog, not my craft one) they let me choose the size and it is FREEEEEEEEE! :)

Angie C said...

Beautiful card Viv
