Tuesday 13 December 2011

It's time to say goodbye......with my last Peachy Keen Challenge

Yep, this is my last Peachy Challenge and all I can say is.............................
It's time now though, for new ideas and new team members.
I've had THE most wonderful nearly 3 years with Peachy Keen and loved every minute.
Made some of the best friends a girl could wish for and managed to fly out to Wisconsin on the trip of a lifetime to meet my heroine, Kathy, founder of PK and all round fabulous person!

I do hope you will consider entering the race to be on the next PK DT.
Details are over on the right hand side over there! lol (Just click the icon).

Now, for Peachy Keen Challenge #67,
 Our last challenge is 'designer's Choice' and to play along you must use only PEACHY KEEN stamps please.
(Entries to be in by 11.59pm CDT on 27th Dec).
I decided to revisit one of my favourite projects for my swan song....
I've got a BIG problem with my PC at the moment. My internet has stopped working, so I'm trying desperately to upload my project via hubbies laptop. As that is in the kitchen and my details upstairs, I'll have to fill in the blanks about stamps used a little later. Sorry.
This is the LAST thing I needed right now. Grrr.
OK, here is my little Topnote bag with 6 3x3 cards inside.

I couldn't get a decent picture as the light is rubbish here at the moment, so used my kitchen table.

Tried again to get a closer shot, so hope these will do. EVERYTHING is playing up at the moment.
(I think it's sulking 'coz I'm leaving Peachy Keen)! lol

Well. there you have it. I WILL be back next year for the PK alumni quarterly challenges and hops, so you haven't seen the last of me!

for all your wonderful support and comments during my time with Peachy Keen.
Have a fabulous Christmas!!

Thursday 8 December 2011

More from me

For the Peachy Keen DT call, go HERE.
I can't quite believe that my wonderful time at Peachy Keen will end at the end of December!
Where HAVE those years gone! *Sigh*
I envy whoever follows as I know they will have a BALL with THE most wonderful people on the planet.
OK, that's enough from me before I get too maudlin! lol

Here are a few more cards I've cranked out while my toe tries to heal.

No need for explanations as they are all pretty self-explanatory.
Except to say that the 'Merry Christmas ' squares are digital images from Cuddly Buddly.

I hope the gale force winds and driving rain has passed you by.
I personally love it, but then I'm strange! lol
Enjoy the rest of your day!


Saturday 3 December 2011

Poinsettias rock!

I CASED THIS fabulous one by Carla!!

Mine is a lot more simple, (a bit like me really) lol

And so is THIS one....The same only different...again! lol
(BTW, I turned the Marianne die round).
Please excuse the rubbish photo, I think my camera is having a nervous breakdown!

My broken toe is still very sore, but Hey! that gives me more opportunty to play in my craft room.
I was told at A&E not to weight bear and use the crutches they gave me!!
Yeah right! NOT happening.
Hubby is disabled and there's two dogs in da house. I just limp!

Don't forget the PEACHY KEEN DT CALL!!
You can get all the details HERE!
(I have LOVED every minute of my time on the DT and if chosen, you will too)!!

Happy Saturday!!

Peachy Keen Design Team Call!!!

Yes, it's time to bow out and make way for new blood at Peachy Keen.
I've had the time of my life, made friends for life and met my heroines at the Peachy Keen workshop.

Thank you Peachy Keen for 2 and a half years of pure joy!
If you are interested in having a fabulous ride for the whole of next year, 
go HERE to the PK blog for all the details.

Friday 2 December 2011

The same only different

My mum always used that phrase.
I think we all know it means something that's different from the original. but almost the same.
Well, I had a bash at that with my all time favourite Peachy Keen Stamp and Die combo.
You saw THIS one that I did..

I wanted something a little different, so came up with this....
Yep, it's the same tree, but I lost the skirt around the trunk and progressively shortened the tree.
I like my little snowy forest. What do YOU think?

The Peachy Keen Challenge can be found HERE!
Have a great weekend!!
