Sunday, 4 May 2008

It's Sunday and I can smell curry!!

Alan is making a curry for my youngest son BJ and his fiance.

He makes it early to give it chance to mature a bit before we sit down at around 6:30pm. Yummy!!

It's quite approriate today, as the weather has gone from yesterday's glorious heatwave, to torrential rain today!! :0O
English weather is crumby! No wonder we talk about it a's SO variable day to day. *rolls eyes in resignation*. LOL

Anyway, never mind the weather, here's what I made this morning.

It's kind of developed from the CCT theme of

'In the garden'.
I wanted to use the gorgeous bright, almost turquoise blue but struggled because that's not an immediate colour one would associate with a garden.
Then I remembered the remit was for anything 'to do' with a garden....

so, I thought this would be OK as it's got flowers on it!

Flowers grow in the garden, so that's fine. :)

What do you think? It's a bit different from what I've been doing lately.

I DO wish Blogger could sort out this problem with uploading pictures.
Using Photobucket is like walking through mud, and Picassa shrinks your pictures!



1 Maria's Cards said...

This card is gorgeous. love the colours and the layout. x

Anonymous said...

cooooo eeeeee thawt it wer time i paid ya a visit (thers no idin place from me gal !!! love your latest card absolutely scrumptious would look lovely on me mantlepiece hee hee hee

3 Handcrafted With Love said...

......... Another stunning card Viv - don't forget to tell Alan to save some curry for ME!!! :0))

Love Pam xx

4 My Paper World said...

It's GORGEOUS Viv! and Mmmmmm! your curry sounds delicious! xx

5 icelady said...

grrrrrrrr didnt tell me Alan was making curry, lol ,great looking card Viv,

6 Natalie said...

It's gorgeous Viv, I love the colour and the layout. x

7 Andrea, said...

Another fab card Viv, great colours

8 Jacqueline van der Sar - Crejakaarten said...

And this one is really great, love that lay-out and colors!

9 Renee said...

Such a pretty card! I love the colors you chose and the layout. Thank you for sharing!

10 Jennifer Love said...

I LOVE this card! Ahh! Great!

I sometimes use for uploading pictures (for my personal blog, not my craft one) they let me choose the size and it is FREEEEEEEEE! :)

11 Angie C said...

Beautiful card Viv
