ICELADY (Sandra)
There were 8 entrants.
7 guessed correctly that it was a (cup)cake.
Sassy 1
Pam 2
Natalie 3
Icelady 4
Char 5
Jackie 6
Linda 7
(Good guess Tina, but it wasn't right my friend).

Thank you my friends for being such good sports
and being part of Jennifer's fabulous new venture.

Hi Viv, Thank you soooo much, its the first time I have won a prize, I am all excited now, cant wait
Well done Sandra on winning some superb stamps and thank you Viv for giving us all something to think about.
Love Pam xx
Congratulations Sandra, I am sooooooooooooooooo pleased for you. Can't wait to see your prize at Dabblers :o)
Jackie xx
Congrats Sandra!! You are one lucky gal!!
Char in So Cal
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