Tuesday 5 October 2010

Peachy Keen Challenge #38

Something a little different for our challenge this week folks.....
We want you to create something using this criteria......

Fall/Autumn is in full swing, and using the month of October an inspiration, 
create a layout or project based on the season and use PEACHY KEEN stamps. 
The only catch is that it can't be a card!

This leaves your theme wide open to Autumn,
 Halloween, or Harvest Elements, 
(note, since it's October
a Thanksgiving feast scene wouldn't really work for this challenge, 
but gourds, pumpkins, etc. would be appropriate!) 

Well, as I'm playing with the new stamp sets that were launched yesterday on the blog hop, 
I thought again of Halloween. Hmmm...not a card! Oooer!! More paper engineering!!
I searched the web for inspiration and found THIS
A Martha Stewart template to make a coffin treat box....Ta-Da!!

I tried to make it look as if Frank had dug up through the floor of the coffin.

I just HAD to use my PK-643 'Frankly' stamp set again. He's SO cute!!
Frank was coloured with Copics and the coffin was made with papers from a kit by Echo Park,
that I grabbed at the Ally Pally craft show on the 25th September. 

This was great fun and I must admit, I do like a bit of paper engineering and I'm getting better at it I think.
For some more fun and to feast your eyes on the wonderful samples created by my fellow DT friends, 
please go along the the Peachy Keen blog. Play along with us for a chance to win a smashing prize. 
You have until Sunday 17th October to enter.

Have a great week!!!



  1. You are a whiz at paper crafting in any form. Awesome!

  2. This is just adorable!! Our Grands would so love to get their candy in one of these!! :)

  3. Very very neat! I haven't been by your blog in seems like foreva!! Miss your face and your wonderful creations! Hope you are well.

  4. Wow!!! This is soooo cool!! I love it!!

  5. Well, Viv... I'd say you are the master of paper engineering. WOW! This is a wonderful creation, and just perfect for the upcoming Halloween goodies to be given. I love the way you show Franky digging right up through that little box! Yet another brilliant Viv creation!!

    Love ya,

  6. Well now folks, I am here to tell you that having seen this 'in the flesh' today and it is absolutely fantastic :o)
    Jackie xx

  7. Once again so super cute. I love your little Frankie!

  8. What a cute idea. I love how frankie is nestled inside. Cool.

  9. Soooo cute! Love how franky pops up!

  10. Oh my goodness, this is AWESOME!

  11. Viv, you outdid yourself again! This coffin is brilliant, I love the dimension you have created with franky! I this you did a fabulous job on this challenge!

  12. This is my first time on your blog. I love the treatbox it's so adorable. I will be back to check out more on your blog.

  13. Viv this is so darn cute! I love frankie inside....he's super cute! What a great gift idea!

  14. Hi Viv,
    oh wow, I love your coffin with Frank inside! I love how you fill it with candy and have a surprise for the kiddies at the bottom!! I think my nephew would love this!!


Thank you for visiting and taking the time to leave me a comment. Viv xx