Sunday 10 October 2010

A card or two....

Hi everyone!!
Here are some cards that I made at different intervals over the last couple of weeks and kept forgetting to put on here. Duh! 
Plus a birthday card for my son Paul that I couldn't show before today, 
as it's his birthday (and a wedding card 'coz they only got married yesterday)..

Here we are...
The sentiments were from Elzibells and  Dovecraft.
The image, (coloured as usual with Copics), is by Pollycraft and is called 'Ronnie relaxing'.
(Actually, something that Paul rarely does)!

The next two, are cards I made while staying with my fabulous friend Issy down in Hampshire last month.

The cutting and embossing is courtesy of Nellie Snellen on in this easel card.
The gorgeous stamp belongs to Issy and is a LOTV Christmas stamp,  'All wrapped Up' .

This sweet stamp is by Papermania. it's called 'Football Mad'.
Isn't he CUTE!!! 
(Both cards were, as usual, coloured with Copics).

Last but by no means least, is a wedding card for my lovely pals, Magz & Geoff.
I cased this card off SCS.....HERE! Thank you Tilly!!!

I LOVE how this turned out!!!

I'm like buses, nothing for ages then four come at once!!! LOL
Hope everyone has had a great weekend and looking forward to a new week.



  1. LOVE the wedding card!! what a fabulous idea! Wonderfully embossed. Going to have to CASE this idea :)

    Great work on the other cards as well.

  2. Oh Viv, that wedding one is so good especially! Love that idea.

  3. These are all just wonderful!!! Love the towels on the wedding card. The little guy playing football,that beautiful little girl on the Christmas card and that awesome birthday card for your son with the dog relaxing. Hope he got to relax for his birthday! :)

  4. Great wedding card, I saw one similar recently and also an the matching 1st anniversary version where the mr towel is screwed up on the floor! made me chuckle. lol

  5. OMG!! ALL these cards are ADORABLE!!!! You are the BOMB Miss Viv!!
    Big PEACHY Hugs,

  6. This wedding card is so cute. I love it. Clean and neat and beautiful..


  7. Wow Viv these are all amazing, what wonderful design each one so very different I love them all
    Lorraine x

  8. You're too cute! I love the wedding card, it's beautiful! :)

  9. super cute cards love them all!!!!

  10. Very nice cards, they are sooo different, but I like all of them!

  11. All superb cards Viv although they look even better in the flesh :o)
    Jackie xx

  12. Love these- too cute. Sending a hello and hug your way!

  13. These are great Viv, love the wedding card.

  14. Your wedding card is stunning! And your football card is just adorable...tfs!

    And thank you for your kind words on my blog. :-)

    ~Sharon C.

  15. Wow fantastic idea for a wedding card! TFS!
    -Katya B.

  16. I just love love love them. The wedding card is so beautiful. I just love your sons bday you copics!

  17. "like buses" ROWLF. It doesn't matter they are late--it's great seeing them. Like you I love how the wedding card turned out. Very unique and I'm sure it grabbed a lot of attention.

  18. Love the his & hers towels -great job!!!

  19. Wow look how busy you've been! What fab cards! The son card is adorable as are all of them!


Thank you for visiting and taking the time to leave me a comment. Viv xx