Saturday 13 June 2009

Some more friends I made on holiday!!!

Aren't they cute!
(The one on the end reminds me of Harvey) :0)

This is another stamp I bought at Sir Stampalot on the way to Norfolk!
It's a Whipper Snapper stamp called 'Welcome Waggin'.

I've not really had a lot of time to play with all the goodies, (apart from the Tilda card I made), that I brought back with me, as I've still had lots of admin' stuff to do for mum. I think it's nearly all sorted now and I can get back to concentrating on my cards.

I did this for the OCC challenge. To use a border punch on your card.

As you can see, I kept it simple and just used my SU scalloped border punch to jazz up the bottom of the matt.
I plopped a dot of white ink on each scallop to mirror the shine on the noses of the doggies.

The sentiment, (Papermania's Claire Curd signature range), is punched out with my SU oval border punches. The three blue pearls provide balance.
Coloured with Copics, with the background sponged with Tim Holtz distress inks... Broken China and Pine Needles.

Hope you like my new friends! Please leave a comment to let me know. ;0)


  1. its soooo cute brill little card ....did yer mum get my card.???? i posted it ages ago..just wondering......have missed yer .....hugs sassyx

  2. OMG - Viv - you were busy already!!! Love your take on the OCC Cahllenge!!! Your card is super duper cute and your coloring is fabulous!!!

    Thanks for playing with us :)!!!Hugs ~S~

  3. What a great idea!!! Such a cute card! Really fabulous!

  4. Those are some adorable little friends you brought home with you. What a cute cute card.

  5. Hi Viv, I just LOVE this one! They are so cute and I love them to bits!
    Keryn :D

  6. OMG! Viv... it is gorgeous! I love it... actually, I love everything about dogs....HUGS...SK :)

  7. Great card Viv, I just love that stamp now I've seen it on a card. Thos three blue pearls really finish it off beautifully :o)
    Jackie xx

  8. Great card Viv, I love the image and you have coloured it beautifully. x

  9. Ohhhh, isn't this a sweet card. You coloured them up so well. I like the scallop and how you added blue here and there in the background.

  10. Oh this is just soo cute :-) Love the dogs and the layout and papers are fab ! :-)
    Lorraine x x

  11. What a fun card. The coloring with the Copics is very nice

  12. Super cute card Viv, LOVE the fun use of the border punch and the adorable design!!

    Thanks for playing along with us over at the OCC!

    Hugs, Jennifer :)

  13. such cute little friends!! Your card is adorable!

  14. OMG this stamp is just adorable. I sooo love Whipper Snapper stamps & it looks like this one will be winging its way to my collection. xx Clare x


Thank you for visiting and taking the time to leave me a comment. Viv xx