Sunday 14 June 2009

Here's Tilda again!

I just had to colour this Tilda again.

Love her to bits, so got stuck in with lilacs and green this time.

Coloured with Copics and layered onto Papermania CS.

The patterned paper is one I had given to me, by Jackie... I think. (I really MUST make a note of who's given me what. It's naughty not to remember).

I used my EK success flourish punch. The first one I had of these, was a duffer.

Luckily, this one is fine.

Satin ribbon from stash and my gorgeous (and dwindling) pearls.

Hope you're all having a super Sunday and please come back soon. Viv xx


  1. Gorgeous card Viv :-) Love the Tilda and the colous and papers you used are gorgeous ! :-)

    Lorraine x x

  2. Superb as ever Viv. She is a real little sweetie :o)
    As for you not remembering who gave you the paper, I don't remember that it woz me, or woz it? :o)
    Jackie xx

  3. Viv your card is SO sweet!! You are the queen of color, I bet you are loving your Copics!!

    Hugs, Jennifer :)

  4. awww how adorable!! Your coloring is gorgeous (as always)!!


Thank you for visiting and taking the time to leave me a comment. Viv xx