Thursday 13 November 2014

I've been AWOL.

Hi friends! Have you missed me? 


I'm so sorry, but I've been AWOL due to acute, bordering on chronic, tooth pain!!
I was booked to have two teeth extracted a while ago, but couldn't have it done as I was booked for an ultrasound needle biopsy on the same day for a lump in my neck!
 (Wouldn't recommend that procedure too often, it HURT!!)
Arghh! I thought the biopsy more important, so delayed having the teeth out. 
Anyway, the results came back inconclusive for more Lymphoma, so I had to go into hospital for a surgical biopsy. (They removed the whole node). 

GUESS WHAT!!! THAT was the date I'd re-arranged for the dentist! *sob*.
The dentist couldn't do my teeth as I had a brand new 6" scar across my neck and I couldn't open my mouth very wide and there was a risk of infection. Ugh!
Took 2 weeks for the swelling etc  to go down and I still can't smile properly as the nerves have taken a bit of a battering.
I FINALLY Had my teeth out on Wednesday 5th November and I was ecstatic.
FINALLY I would be without this awful pain....errr NOT!!
I had to go back yesterday, seven days later as the pain a nightmare and I couldn't control it.
It seems I have a 'dry socket'. No wonder I was in agony. The whole gum was infected.

I'm now on antibiotics AGAIN and this time they are working! I can function again at last!
Oh, the results came back as positive for lymphoma in the node.
It's still low grade, so need for chemo yet! YEAH!

Right! Are you still awake?
I have some Christmas cards I made on better days to show you.
I also made a Christmas cake for the first time in my life!
(I forgot to photograph that before I sealed it up)!
I'll take one when I open it to 'feed' it it's brandy and take a picture then.

This card features my favourite little robin stamp from Digi Stamp Boutique called 
I coloured them with Copics as per usual.
Sponged the frame and added a poinsettia 'coz I love 'em.

   This is my wonderful 'Three trees' from Purple Onion again.
Using a Sizzix diagonal stripe EF and Spellbinders Fancy frame.
Coloured with Copics and dressed up with some sprigs punched out and some felt 'berries'.

 This is so simple.The same frame as the one above and the same EF with the sentiment from Waltzing mouse Stamps ''Tis the Season' as the focal point.

This is my lovely Sugar Nellie rubber stamp, 'Snowman and Gift', done in blue.
Copic coloured, of course. 

 Lastly for now, here's an experiment that didn't quite go as I'd planned. 
I was aiming for vintage Christmas, but it didn't work out too well.
LOVE that stamp by Gillian Roberts called 'Bear and Robin'.
Another stamp I've had for years!
The paper is from an 8"x8" pad I cut down.

Well, I hope you haven't all deserted me, although I would deserve it for being missing in action for so long.

I'll be back soon with more Christmas cards 
and I hope that one or two will inspire you in some small way.



  1. OMgoodness! Bless your heart!!! I'm at least glad to hear you're on the mend now and hope recovery from all of it is fast!
    I do love all your cards though! So very pretty! Love the blues with that cute snowman.

  2. OMGoodness my sweet friend, I feel so bad for you having to go though all of that. I did not fall a sleep and I hope they got every spec of the node, I'm so happy you had that done right away. Then a dry socket, that is true pain in every way, I wish I could give you a super big hug. You need to keep us up dated on chemo treatment. So we know everything is going fine. You know how much we love you.
    Now all of your cards are adorable.. I love all of them but my favorite one is the one with the snowman he is just adorable, your coloring is amazing. Thanks so much for sharing your beautiful cards.
    Sending hugs, Pat

  3. They certainly are inspiring Viv! As all your work is,
    I love your vintage card and can't see why you're not happy with it!
    Let's hope your dental problems are now over sweetheart (HUGS) you've had more than your fair share of pain XXXXX

  4. Oh my poor friend. You have been put through so much over the past while. I have you in my prayers for better days ahead!

    Your cards are darling. I love them all but especially the bear on the bottom. The 8" x 8" pad you cut down adds a perfect touch.

  5. Well I am glad you are back. I got dry socket when I had my wisdom teeth out. It hurt like hades!! I love all the cards you manage to create.

  6. Oh Viv, you have been through the wars lately...hugs
    I am sooooooooooooo looking forward to seeing you on the 30th, it seems like forever since we were able to have a real hug.
    What a wonderful selection of cards, all so beautifully coloured.
    I think your 'vintage' card would have looked more vuntage if it didn't have such a cute image, but it is still a gorgeous card :o)
    Jackie xx

  7. Oh you poor thing! You have had quite the spell ((HUGS)))!!! Dry sockets suck - had a friend with one so know the pain! Glad the antibiotics worked and you are one the mend and can function again.

    so sorry to hear about the lymphoma, but glad it is low grade. Hang in there you!! Wish I was closer (Darn Atlantic Ocean LOL!) as I'd come and give you a big hug in person.

    Your array of cards is fabulous. Adore the first one with that polka dotted paper and cute image, love the trees on the second, lovely and elegant on the third, great colouring on the snowman and love the corner element, and lovely use of the papers to create the border on the on the last one.

  8. Desert you????? NEVER! Although I was in zzzzz land by the third paragraph!! hehe (kiddin!!)

    Well I've been with you on on FB during all this pain....... and I really am SO GLAD that it's all going to be over soon. You really have gone through a lot! You must be as thin as a rake by now not being able to eat.... well, hmmmmmm.... cadbury's DOES melt in your mouth without much chewing? and that'd wet the socket wouldn't it?? hehe!

    Now... onto these stunning cards!! From the bottom up (cos I like to be different... you got the vintage style spot on... love it, the snowman...... PERFECT in his blues..., FABULOUS poinsettias and sentiment, OOoooh to the Purple Onion ones that I MUST use soon... (love how you put the corner springs on the embossing), and the top one.... are they robins? They look like teddies... but I suppose the red breasts give them away... LOL! Anyway, whatever they are....... they're CUTIE-PA-TOOTIE!

    Now........ can I come over and taste to see how much brandy needs to go into your cake? I'll be chief taster!!

    So you thought your post was long? And you didn't expect a long comment? hehe!

    Big hugs good friend..
    Christine x

  9. Gosh, your cards are sooooo fabulous! I was happy to see a post from you. I'm sorry to hear you've been through such a difficult time. You always seem to keep your spirits up in spite of things. I really love your vintage card and I think you pulled off the look beautifully. Honest to goodness old-timey cards frequently did have cute and colorful images. You gave it just the perfect bit of aging. Adorable! They're all a joy to look at.

  10. Oh Viv... what a horrid experience for you. No one should have to go through all that pain and I am so happy for you that you don't have to deal with the toothache anymore and of course you know I am thinking of you about the chemo. I had one of those awful biopsies done on my lower jaw... how the heck can they do that to a person without knocking you out. It hurt... like hell! Course it doesn't help that I'm a big baby when it comes to pain.
    Anyway, onto your cards... holy smokes, you've been busy and they are gorgeous! I love each and every one of them but I think the snowman one is my fave... those deep and vibrant colours you used are beautiful... I remember that's what drew me to your work in the first place, your colouring had such depth and almost glowed. Sure enough, this one does. They all do but especially this one.

  11. Oh no, I feel so sorry for you.I've had biopsy taken from my thyroids - both sides and remember it with horror so I Think I know - sort of at least- what you've been through.
    Your cards are absolutely AMAZING - what a wonderful Collection to have in your stack! Thinking of you, hugs, Karin

  12. Viv ~ you poor thing! you have been thru so much lately!!! I hope you are really on the mend and I will pray for no chemo in the future! As for the darn teeth~ UGH! Nothing worse than that pain! I hope your smile is coming back a little every day!
    Your cards are simply AMAZING as always!! You know how I feel about your coloring and attention to detail! Feel better sweet friend! <3

  13. You really had a bad time of it! That dry socket hurts like heck!! Glad you're all better now. How about those wonderful cards! Oh my goodness I love them all!


Thank you for visiting and taking the time to leave me a comment. Viv xx