Thursday 2 October 2014

An attempt at folds

They say no news is good news.... Not quite true I'm afraid.
It's not BAD news, just NO news.
Got the first biopsy results through today (Thursday), but they were inconclusive.
Hmmm, so now I have to go into hospital as a day patient for another biopsy.
Instead of the needle guided one, I have to have the lymph gland biopsy done surgically. Ho hum.
Whatever the results of this one, it's still all good.
If it IS benign, FINE! If it ISN'T benign, it's STILL fine, 'coz my Lymphoma is low grade.
Heads I win, tails I don't lose!

OK enough drama, let's see my latest attempt at colouring folds in clothes with me trusty Copics.
Waddya reckon?
Not a bad attempt on the whole eh?
Now, I found a load of stamps in a ring binder that hasn't seen the light of day for years.
This Tilda being one of 'em, so I have no idea what she's called.
The papers are a 6x6 Forever Friends pad  'Best of British'.

Now I have to work on the decoration side of things. *Sigh*.
One thing at a time Viv!

Please let me know what you think. Good, bad or indifferent is fine by me. LOL
See you again soon!



  1. Hope your test results are good news Viv.
    Your card is lovely, beautifully coloured x

  2. Oh what a shame Viv, but we are all rooting for you...hugs
    Superb colouring, beats mine into insignificance!
    Looking forward to seeing you all on the 12th :o)
    Love, Jackie xx

  3. Here's to a good result Viv ;) You don't say when you're going in for this surgery.....
    Your colouring on Tilda is superb! The way you've created dimension in the folds is sooooo realistic ;)
    You're an inspiration in every way (HUGS) xxx

  4. Viv ~ your card is simply BEAUTIFUL and the coloring is AMAZING as always! I am sending you prayers ~ tons of them ~ from across the pond! Nothing but positive vibes coming your way!!!

  5. Oh you poor thing ((hugs))!! My mom had a surgical biopsy done on her lymph nodes years ago and it wasn't too bad. Here's hoping all is well!!

  6. Your folds are bloomin marvellous woman!! I really don't believe this is your first attempt... cos you've mastered them so well!

    And I know we've spoken on FB about the biopsy and the fact that you have to have another.... but I do love your positive attitude... 'heads you win, tails you don't lose' is a smashing way to think.... sooooo would you like to come to a casino with me - I'm sure with that outlook we'd come away with a fortune..

    Big hugs lovely lady..
    Christine x

  7. And PS.... the decoration is fab too.... no need to work on it!!


  8. Hi Viv, I think you did a wonderful job on the folds. I love your card. I do wish you luck with your test. Hugs, joann sassy raggedy

  9. Viv your coloring is just beautiful! Keeping you in thoughts and prayers. Mary Binder

  10. You have a great attitude that will see you through any outcome. Good for you! And I must say your first attempt at coloring folds is amazing! You appear to be a seasoned veteran. I absolutely love the card design, too!

  11. What a beautiful card, Viv! That image is so sweet...we have acres of those cattails around here. Your colouring is fabulous too!
    I'm sorry to hear you have to go for another biopsy, my friend. However, I'm loving your positive attitude. That will make all the difference. I'll be praying for you, and I release you from the norty step! (but not for good! lol)

  12. Best of luck to you with your tests!! Lovely card.

  13. She is just awesome. You always do such beautiful work. My prayers are with you.

  14. Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog today. I have to say your dress folds are super, I can't believe it is your first attempt at them. A beautiful card and I love the layout and details.
    Hope all goes well at the hospital.


Thank you for visiting and taking the time to leave me a comment. Viv xx