Wednesday 13 August 2014


Today is the 50th (sorry Lorie) birthday of one of my most treasured American friends.

Kathy Jakapovich (my VERY bestest American friend), of Peachy Keen fame, 
came up with the idea of all her friends in blogland, and on Facebook making a card for her and posting them on a 'Lorie's 50th Birthday ' Facebook page and on our blogs.
This is so Lorie can hop on over to all the blogs that have made her  a card and see the love.
(A lot of us have also sent the physical card to her).

I love this lady and it was no hardship at all for me to make a special card for her 50th. I posted it 6 days ago, so hopefully, it gets there today. Fingers crossed!!

I used the fabulously versatile set 'PKSC-12'. to make this box card.
I coloured the elements with Copics and stamped a '50' onto the label of the champagne bottle.
The images come with SVG files so there's no need to fussy cut!
(A boon for left-handers that haven't got a decent pair of sharp pointed scissors).

Well my dear friend, I hope your special day is as lovely as you are!!

Back soon!



  1. Superb card and colouring Viv. Have you recovered from Sunday yet? :o)
    Jackie xx

  2. Wow! What a wonderful thing to do for your friend! I'm sure she will be totally thrilled! You've created a fantastic box card!
    Thanks so much for your sweet comment on my latest project, Viv! It was lovely to read! :o)

  3. Hi Viv.... Ooh I bet Lorie loved this little box full of perfection... and I laughed at the 29th fun sentiment! Loving the way you've got the candle guys holding that sentiment too. And what a fab idea to do a FB page just for her birthday!!

    Big hugs
    Christine x

  4. Happiness all over this - screaming "celebration" with your special touch. Great work again Viv :)

  5. Oh my word this is so flipppin CUUUTE! EEK! I bet Lorie LOVED her card and oh my lady you color BEAUTIFULLY!!!!

  6. Heehee! I was SO excited when I saw the "Royal Mail" package yesterday! My kids thought I'd lost my mind and we were all SO impressed with this gorgeous card!!! No way can the photos do this beauty justice!! Thank you so much, Viv! You helped make turning 50 something super special to remember and I love ya bunches, my friend!! You are the BEST!!!

  7. You did such a wonderful job. On a side note, AMEN about the scissors. I am left handed and HATE having to hand cut my images.

  8. What a cute box card - I have made lots of these recently. What a great birthday card!

  9. Love box cards, awesome coloring!

  10. LOVE! LOVE! LOVE THIS CARD! What a fantastic idea to make the pop-up box.

  11. What a fun card for a 50th birthday!

  12. What a cute card. I haven't done one of these styles--it intimidates me. You decorated it up so nicely.

  13. ahahhaha... this makes me smile, it's so flippin' cute and I am sure she loved it! Gotta love the expression on the candles and the sentiment is great!


Thank you for visiting and taking the time to leave me a comment. Viv xx