Saturday 8 March 2014

New home

Hi friends!
I hope all is well in your world.
It's very quiet here which suits me fine.
Don't need any dramas LOL!

I neighbour who I've known for 12 years is moving home today.
For 11 of those years, we were kind of at odds over parking. 
Finally resolved our differences and I ended up with a lovely new friend!
What a waste of 11 years!!

At least I'll see her again, as she does my hair. 
I wish her and her partner, love and luck in their new home!

Here's the card I made for them.

The house is a Penny Black stamp, 'Victorian Homes', coloured with Copics.
Blue Bazzil and SU  green card, (can't remember the name of the colour),
Clouds via MFT dies and a sentiment printed off my PC.
Grass edge was courtesy of a MS grass punch.
(I used the Print and Cut feature on my Cameo for the 'fussy cutting').

Well, there we have it.
Have a smashing weekend everyone.



  1. What a lovely card Viv, it is sad that you was at odds....but at least you worked it out :) x

  2. Sure she will treasure the card, especially in lieu of the outcome of your situation :)

  3. Very cute Viv! Did you use the silhouette ? I'm trying to set mine up now :)

  4. It's a perfect card for someone moving into a new home hon... Your neighbour will love it I'm sure. Let's hope you don't have more parking probs in the future with your new neighbours.. And that you end up with another new friend!

    Christine x

  5. Viv ~ Well this is simply BEAUTIFUL! I bet they LOVED it! So funny how after all this time you find a friend! Thanks for sharing the story! I ADORE and LOVE our neighbors. They treat my son like their own grandson...

  6. It's a beautiful card, Viv! Such a wonderful scene and I really like the pretty green door!
    Your sweet comment on my blog really made me smile! Thank you! :o)

  7. Nice card Viv! Glad you made a friend in the end!

  8. Love this card Viv and what a lovely gesture to think of your 'new friend'.


Thank you for visiting and taking the time to leave me a comment. Viv xx