Friday 21 February 2014

New designs from Wendy, new inspiration

Hi friends. All is well in your world I hope.
Today I have two cards for you using the new collection at All Dressed Up.
Our inspirational posts are to give you an idea of what you can do with Wendy's fabulous digis.
Please pop on over there and see what my fabulous team mates have created with these beautiful images.

For my two cards, I've used 

Here's 'Purrfect Together..
I'm not brilliant at colouring cats.
I gave it my best shot though with my trusty Copics.
(If anyone knows of a Youtube tute on colouring cats, let me know)!
I've added the 'I Love My Puppy' image to this card.
The sentiment is from Clearly Besotted's 'Time To Relax'.
I would have used the lovely sentiment that comes with the digi,
 but I cut it out without making room for it! DOH!
The frame is a Marianne Designs one (I think). 
I'm awful, I rip my new toys out of the packaging but forget to name them, so never know what the heck I'm using! Anyway, I digress.

On to card number 2..

Now I got a bit clever with one.
I cut it out using the Print and Cut feature on my Silhouette Cameo.
THANK YOU STACEY!! (Big grin 'coz I did it) and coloured the image with Copics.
The papers are from Echo Park. Dots and Stripes. 
The star was cut with  Spellbinders dies.
(At least I remembered who's THEY are)! LOL

I followed our latest challenge, which is a sketch........

All details are on the All Dressed Up Challenge page on the blog.

We'd love if it you played along with us. 

Well, that's it from me.
Have a fabulous weekend and if the weather is horrendous where you are, 
stay warm and stay safe!



  1. Two fabulous cards, Viv! I absolutely ADORE how you turned the kitty in to a tabby!! Have a great w/e :)

  2. Love both these Viv, and I don't know what you are talking have coloured the cat perfectly !! X

  3. Not brilliant at colouring cats??
    Your having a larff missus, it's brilliant!!
    Two smashing cards Viv
    Anne x

  4. My favorite is the kitty and puppy. Wonderful job coloring. Love both layouts and how different they are but look the same. I love the way you colored the cat, great job!! Both sentiments are nice. Hope things are well with you?
    Hugs, Pat

  5. Both of these are absolutely stinkin adorable!!!!

  6. Your cards are both absolutely fantastic, my friend! Beautiful colouring and design! Have a wonderful weekend! :o)

  7. Love your cats! And isn't that Cameo wonderful for print and cut! Beautiful cards !

  8. Fabulous cards Viv, and as for you not being good at colouring cats, that's codswallop, you have made a brilliant job of it!!!!!
    Jackie xx

  9. What do you mean by not being brilliant colouring cats. Your card is stunning, especially with the blue surrounding the animals. You rock my Copic colouring world. Your second card is just as cute.

  10. That is one purr-fectly coloured cat hon... don't know what you're on about! Love the pink surround too... wonder why??

    And what a fabbie cool card the other one is.. perfect use of that sketch.. just love it!

    Big hugs
    Christine x
    and noooooooooo I don't NEED a cameo! x

  11. I love these two cards, Viv - you've really brought out their cuteness!

  12. One boy card and one girly card and both totally gorgeous :-) Brilliant colouring - love the texture on the cats!
    Hugs, Kat xx

  13. 2 wonderful cards Viv! Love the way you colored the kitty! Fabulous job, always!

  14. More gorgeous cards! I like them both but think the cat and dog one is brilliant!


Thank you for visiting and taking the time to leave me a comment. Viv xx