Tuesday 12 November 2013

I'm SO late!!!

What a palava to get on here!
I've had the decorators in all week doing our hall, stairs and landing.
It looks amazing, but it meant I could play as my craftroom is upstairs and it was, for the most part, out of bounds, due to the guy working on and around the stairs.
(Our house is miniscule)!
I couldn't work in it anyway after he left 'coz the safety gate couldn't be put back until the paint had 'gone off'.
Then there was the hob! I wanted an induction hob so Alan bought one and I sourced   a gas fitter to take the old gas hob out and then managed to get an electrician to fit the new hob.
This all takes time, well it does in OUR house!
Well worth it though. The hob is totally mind blowing. Talk about FAST! WOW!
And it's just one sheet of smoked glass. No scrubbing. No burnt on bits that are actually WELDED on.

This all meant I didn't post a project I made for the release party at PK a couple of weeks ago.
Well, better late than never I present a Fall/Autumn project.
It's a luminary and I have put a battery operated flickering tea light in it. 
It looks smashing in the evening.

The challenge was to up-cycle something in the house.
I used the plastic mesh bag that onions come in.
I cut it into a strip and used it to tie round the top of the luminary.
I als o used the cardboard that Peachy Keen put in their packages to keep our stamps safe for the box part and covered it in DP.
I used my favourite pumpkins on the front , PK-620 (not just for Halloween eh), coloured with Copics.
Hope you like it as much as I do.

I've been asked to show the new hob, so here it is! LOL

Back soon with more projects. In the meantime, stay happy and stay healthy!



  1. Beautiful creation & I can imagine how it looks even more so on an evening. Hugs Bev x

  2. Viv ~ Well this is simply STUNNING! I can't believe you repurposed an onion bag! HOLY crap that looks FAB and totally CLEVER!! Oh I would LOVE to see pics of this new project in your home! I am still drooling over the bathroom!!!

  3. Looks fab Viv, Love the net idea !! xx

  4. Fantastic luminary Viv! At least you have an excuse for being late. I didn't even take a picture of my completed project. Gotta google hob now. I am with Kim. Would love to see pictures.

  5. The inconveniences are usually worth it, sure the place looks fabulous :) Love your pumpkins and brilliant idea to use the mesh. I have often though of using some myself.

  6. Oh Viv ~ you are the SWEETEST person! I LOVE it! Look how clean, new and refreshing everything looks! Now lets see some real work begin ~ get to your craft room and stay away from the kitchen! LOL! I am sure Alan will LOVE that comment! Thanks for sharing! <3

  7. Superb card/luminary Viv, love how you have coloured the pumpkins.
    Love that new hob of yours, it looks very classy, might even get the chance to see it sometime when Stephen is able to be left long enough :o)
    Jackie xx


Thank you for visiting and taking the time to leave me a comment. Viv xx