Friday 8 February 2013

Hi everyone and welcome to another super duper Peachy Challenge!
Here's the low-down....
'Create a project using Peachy Keen Stamps. The theme.... 
Anything goes!

 Design must be new
Link up by 2/13 - 11:59 pm EST 10.59pm CST, 9.01pm PST (that's 5am 14/02 in GB)

  You  don't have to use Peachy Keen Stamps for this challenge, but we'd love it if you do! 
 We'll be awarding "TOP PEACH" to the player who uses their Peachy Keen Stamps this week and our three runner ups will receive a spiffy badge to display on their blog!

Here's my sample
 This is a picture frame I've had for years and never used!
(Actually, I have a few of these I bought as a job lot when Woolworths were still trading).
All the stamps I've used are taken from the fantastic new release. 
I removed the stock photo from the middle and made my own background by stamping the moon and rocket from PKSC-14 and colouring each image with Copic markers.
I added the rocket on a Spellbinders Nestie frame and sponged it with Memento London Fog.
All colouring was done with Copics.
I put the picture frame back together and adhered the 'characters' to the outside of the glass.
I think this wil lbe going to my little grandson Alfie. He's just 3 years old and I think he'll love it.

Please pay a visit to the Peachy Keen blog and see the amazing samples some of my fabulous DT sisters have created for you. You won't be disappointed! 

WAIT!! There's MORE!!
To celebrate the new release, Peachy Keen is having a whale of Sale!!
Check it out HERE!  

Thanks for visiting and hope you'll pop back again soon.


  1. Gorgeous framed art!!! Lee-Ann :)

  2. Viv ~ Oh my GOODNESS! Are you kidding me! Okay this is seriously my FAVORITE project of yours EVER! I LOVE the ALL the dimension!! Of course the coloring is AMAZING! Wait I remember Woolworths ~ okay just admitted my age! LOL! BEAUTIFUL and CEATIVE as ever!!!

  3. You blew me away with this one! Such amazing work down to every detail! I'm sure your little guy will love it! You are so inspiring!

  4. Your little space scene is adorable, Viv :) Well done all round.

  5. What a fantastic project. I love that you used your (dusty) frame and what you did with it. Those images are just too stink'n cute. As always, your colouring is superb!

  6. Your frame project is FANTASTIC with all those great details and I LOVE them all!!!!SUPER job Viv,Have a GREAT weekend my friend!!!:)

  7. This is so cute! I love this bit of color popping in the white!

  8. Viv, You are just having to much fun with these little guys and I can see why they are just so cute. I love your collage and the background is adorable. That is just perfect for your grandson and something he can treasure for a long time.

  9. This is gorgeous. Love the cute little scene you have created here.
    Happy Valentines Day
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  10. This is gorgeous. Love the cute little scene you have created here.
    Happy Valentines Day
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  11. Hi Viv, oh wow what a stunning card I love the papers and what cute images, love the colour choice. hugs Shirleyxxxxxxx

  12. Viv this is beyond gorgeous! I LOVE this so much! It was wonderful to meet your son on skype along with your beautiful grandbabies. They are so precious! Love you sweet friend!

  13. Oh my!!!! I love this! Absolutely the cutest wall art!


Thank you for visiting and taking the time to leave me a comment. Viv xx