Thursday 6 December 2012

Cards For Men Day 4 and another of those postcard cards

Just to remind you it's day 4 at Cards For Men's Days Of Christmas Event!
Pop on over to Cards For Men to see which one of the DT is hosting the event today.
Visit their blog, leave a comment and you're in with a chance of winning the prize on offer.
Good luck!

Just to let you know that I've finally got my antibiotics and a week today, the offending tooth will be pulled.
Thanks for all your well wishes and concern. It meant a lot!

Onto my latest 'postcard card'.
I LOVE this stamp!
 I decided to do sepia version.....with some embellishments.
Stampendous 'Snowy Postcard'
Adirondak 'Sepia' ink
Glamour dust for snow on the rooftops
Cuttlebug 'Snow Flurry' EF
Ribbon and flowers from stash.
Sponged with the Adirondak ink.
White linen CS

Different isn't it!


  1. Oh Viv~ I thought the card looked GORGEOUS using London Fog ink ~ Look what you did with it brown ink~ BEAUTIFUL! Then the extra embellies! This stamp is just so stunning! I LOVE and need this stamp! Oh you poor thing ! I hope you find some relief real soon! Hugs from across the pond!

  2. what a gorgeous and beautiful card love the stunning image colours amazing detail superb and totally perfect in every way...gosh was i writing this all for you grotters...i mean every word..loves yer hugs sassyxx

  3. Oooh, like it in brown too :)

  4. Love this in the sepia tones! Gorgeous!

  5. Stunning card Viv, and the stamp is brilliant :o)
    Love, Jackie xx
    P.S. I hope I've sorted out the subscribing now!


Thank you for visiting and taking the time to leave me a comment. Viv xx