Thursday 31 May 2012

Precious Moments

Here we have a 'Precious Moments' stamp by Stampendous, that I absolutely LOVE
(and neglected shamefully)!

The image was coloured with Copics (of course).
The frame was cut with Spellbinder's Floral Oval Die.
The sentiment is a rub-on by K & Co.
I sponged the orange card with Colour Box Q 'Amber' and raised it on foam pads.
The white card base is linen.
The flowers are from my stash.

(Luckily it's been raining so I could abandon the garden to play instead)!


  1. This is so it! Lee-Ann :)

  2. Vivienne, I haven't been to your blog in such a long time ~ I am so sorry! This is just BEAUTIFUL! Your coloring is just GORGEOUS! I LOVE the spellbinder you used too! ALL of your projects are simply BEAUTIFUL!

  3. Viv this is so adorable!

  4. hiya grotters...your so very very naughty.....i havent seen you about...and i need you to shout at me cause youll make me get yer bum over to my place...your card is......wait.....wait......flippin fantastic you old soke where yer been hiding this little beauty sweeets it is gorgeous in lemon....dont think ive ever done a lemony card lol!!!!!love it lots you are a talented grotters..and loves yer sassxxxxxx

  5. Hi Viv,
    I MISS you too! I love this card! Beautiful coloring and that image is so darn cute! You always cause me to shop! Love you sweet Viv!
    Hugs, Janice

  6. This is beyond adorable, Viv!! Absolutely love the image and you have coloured it fabulously. Great nestie to frame it too. Lovely touch with the punched corners.

  7. Just adorable Viv - I agree on the yellow! perfect and just right for summer ;o)

  8. Your colouring is gorgeous! The image is cute and I'm glad you brought it out for us.

  9. Oh so sweet! This is darling!


Thank you for visiting and taking the time to leave me a comment. Viv xx