Wednesday 4 January 2012

Happy New Year!

HAPPY NEW YEAR to all you lovely people who honour me with your visits and comments.
This is my first post since my last challenge card as a Peachy Keen Designer.
(I'm now an Alumni along with most of the other DT sisters)! Cool!
OK, onto two cards I made. This one is for my youngest son's 3rd wedding anniversary 
(which was on the 2nd Jan).
This was made with a Sizzix embossing folder, red card and a stamp set by 
Michelle Marsden. (Bought at one of the numerous crafts shop I stalk).

and this for a dear friend's birthday, (which is today the 4th)....
 The image, coloured with Copics, is a Lili of the Valley stamp.
The DP is from a pad by DCWV, called 'Tradewinds'.
Most of the papers, (more like card), are gold embossed. Beautiful!
The paper top left is gold embossed, but you can't see it in this photo.
I hope 2012 brings you Health, Wealth and Happiness!


  1. I love them both Viv!!!
    The anniversary card wording is sooooo special.
    And the birthday card is a cracker - loving the colour;o)

  2. Gorgeous cards! Your cards are always so professional! I love them! Hugs- Glora

  3. very pretty. love the embossing

  4. Loving all that white pace on the first one and of course the dots :) Fabulous colouring of the second image - I'm sure your friend will love it! Happy New Year to you (((hugs)))

  5. Both cards are absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! Love the embossing!! You sure do have a way with cards!!

  6. Two beautiful cards Viv and they are so different from each other. I love the sentiment on the first one and what a delightful image on the seconf one :o)
    Jackie xx

  7. Very nice cards Viv! I love Lili of the Valley stamps, though I don't own any yet! So adorable!

  8. Just stunning Viv, I love this stamp too.


  9. Wow Viv. You have cranked out so e amazing cards law,hand that's an understatement. These are gorgeous. At first I thought the bottom wasmy abortive but now I can't decide!

  10. SOOOOO beautiful! I love your coloring!!!!!


  11. Hi Absolutely love your card. I looked for the stamp but couldn't find it. Lili of the Valley . two frinds. would you give me a ahout where to purchase.
    Thanks Margaret


Thank you for visiting and taking the time to leave me a comment. Viv xx