Tuesday 1 November 2011

It's Peachy Keen Challenge #64 and I'm home!

Welcome to the PK Challenge #64!

Create a card with the sketch provided. Peachy Keen Stamps are not required to participate, but we always love to see what you create with them if you have them already!
Design must be new
Link up by 11/14 - 11:59 pm CDT

When I saw this sketch, I immediately thought of a 50s style television set.

Here's what I came up with...

Here's a view showing the acetate 'glass' TV screen

And a view showing the sides of the 'TV'..

 I borrowed the concertina sides off a fabulous card Kim made, HERE... for my cabinet
and stamped the card with the 'Woodgrain' background stamp from Market Street stamps
I used three brads for the knobs and a Nestie die was used to cut out the 'screen'.
I backed the 'screen' with acetate to replicate glass.

Doncha just LOVE those adorable Gingerbreads!!!

They were a delight to paper piece and colour, meaning you have an endless choice of costumes for them!
(I made that little wreath on the 'wall', with two circle punches and a MS branch punch).
 Actually, all the materials for this project were gleaned from the Peachy Keen workshop.

If you hadn't already heard, I've just got home from spending TEN of THE most wonderful days in the company of the Peachy Queen herself, her delightful family and some of my wonderful PK Design Team friends, Lorie, Janice, Lisa and Kim. Amazing people!
Not forgetting the hilarious Lauri and the sweet Dobea, beavering away in the background.

Now, back to the challenge.
Please hop on over to the Peachy Keen Challenge blog for details of the prizes up for grabs for FOUR lucky winners and to see the fabulous creations my amazing DT Sisters have come up with for your inspiration.
Have a great week and happy crafting!


  1. Love the way your thoughts went to the "old style" TV. You are very correct LOL! Wonderful use of the sketch and darling gingerbread images.

  2. Viv, your vision for this sketch was so wonderful! You did such an amazing job bringing this all together, and those little gingers on TV are too stinkin' cute! I had so much fun with you and the girls in GB! It was AWESOME, and one of my favorite memories EVER!!!!

    Love ya!

  3. I LOVE your TV and your gingers look absolutely FABULOUS!!! I LOVE this! Hugs- Glora

  4. Hi Viv,
    You know how much I love your work of art! It's BRILLIANT!!! I hear you had an extra day with Kathy. Lucky you! You were every bit of wonderful that I thought you would be. Even more! Let's do it again sometime soon!
    Love and hugs, Janice

  5. this turned out awesome! I love those gingers!

  6. Its gorgeous Viv, very creative,

    I cant wait to hear all about your trip, I hope you got lots of tips to share too, but Im glad yer back here with us.


  7. What a great idea Viv, fantastic card and delightful gingerbread images.
    It's great to have you back home again, hopefully see you soon :o)
    Love, Jackie xx

  8. Great little masterpiece Viv!!!
    I do so adore the little gingerbread peeps and how you've paper pieced ;o)
    Your link to Kim's concertina don't work :o(

  9. WOW!! Viv this is amazing! It's beautiful in every way! I love all of the patterns you used! I am so jealous you went to Peachy Land, hopefully you will come back someday and I can meet you!

  10. awesome Viv, this rocks, great idea
    ty for popping by my blog to check out my big bad crow costume, it was so much fun to make, and your comment brought me to your blog...awesome :) ty love your inspirational card for all the challenges, you ladies rock

  11. Viv this is just adorable!! So so cute!

  12. Super cute cards! Love those faces!



Thank you for visiting and taking the time to leave me a comment. Viv xx