Sunday 24 July 2011

Now for a 40th birthday!

Why do I feel old all of a sudden???
'Coz my eldest son was 40 yesterday! OUCH!! LOL
In my head, I'm still a teenager! What happened!! 
Ah well, maybe one day I'll act my age, not my hat size eh!
Here's the card I made for my 'boy'!....
I got the idea off youtube. LOVE youtube, it's taught me loads!
It's from a tutorial video by Kim Burmeister.

Here it is open with a pound for every year...

 I used Kraft card, embossed with a Cuttlebug folder and added some SU DP on the base of the wallet.
The '40' was cut on my Expression.
I added a sentiment underneath the notes.
I also made an envelobox out of Kraft coloured Bazzil, 'coz it was a bit bulky for a normal envelope.
I bet this would be good for Christmas gifts too! Hmmm..... now THERE'S a thought!
Enjoy your Sunday!


  1. Hi Viv, I'm loving this money wallet and I know what your mean, my son will be 40 in Oct so thank you for the inspiration.
    Suzi x

  2. Love the money wallet Viv and I too know how you feel my youngest was 39 the other week, my eldest is 41. I just don't feel old enough to have such old kids lol
    Anne x!

  3. Happy birthday to your son. Your gift card to him is so cute. It's awesome in fact.


    Beth xox

  4. ADORABLE!!! This is absolutely perfect and it is so fun to see the pounds too. Hugs- Glora

  5. It's brilliant Viv, I am sure it was well received. You have no need to worry about feeling old, my son is 50 next... oooer! :o)
    Jackie xx

  6. Happy Belated Birthday to your son. I find time just keeps slipping by faster and faster all the time. Great card, and I agree with Glora. It is fun to see the pounds!

  7. Such an awesome idea! I love the embossed texture you worked into this, and the slider is a fabulous gift card idea! I've never seen pounds, either. Thanks for sharing and happy belated birthday to your son!!!!

  8. clever, creative & functional all while being lovely.
    Great job!


Thank you for visiting and taking the time to leave me a comment. Viv xx