Friday 8 July 2011

An acrylic mini album, my way!!!

Hello everyone!
I was sent amongst other things, (which I will save for a future post),
a mini acrylic album from the Queen Peach Kathy, to play with. 
Hmm!!! Talk about a challenge!!! Me! Acrylic! Nah!
I had no idea what to make of it and it intrigued me for weeks.
It finally got the better of me, so I researched how to go about making an album. I visited You tube and DT Sistah,  Emma's tutorial HERE, which helped me no end!!! Thank you Emma and You tube!!

I hope this album speaks for itself and needs no long list of items used.
All the stamps (bar the greeting on the 'ticket'), are from Peachy Keen.
(The tree/branch and clouds are Die-namics from MFT).
All colouring is done with either Copics or sponging.
I hope you like this album as much as I do.

Front page

Pages 1&2

Pages 3&4

Pages 5&6

Pages 7&8

Back page

You can find all the stamps, dies and the acrylic album HERE at the Peachy Keen store.

(I've just noticed..... I forgot to add ribbons to the jump rings!!! DOH)!!! LOL


  1. Wow Viv you really have done an excellent job of this project ..... There's just no stopping you woman!

    Love Pam xx

  2. Oh wow Viv, this is brilliant, never thought I'd see the day :o)
    Love, Jackie xx

  3. Viv, this is awesome! I love it! All the Peachy details are amazing! I love, love, love the little teddy on the back! xo

  4. WOW Viv! This is GORGEOUS! I just love all the stamps and dies you used. It is perfect! Hugs- Glora

  5. Awwww Viv! This is so cute! I love it!
    Love and hugs, Janice

  6. Wowza, wowza, wowza. Girlfriend this rocks my world. One would never know you didn't know how to work with an acrylic album; your work is superb.

  7. Oh, Viv, this is just adorable, what a fabulous job you did! Such a bright and happy little album sure to cheery everyone's day.

  8. Viv your album is awesome! You did a fabulous job! I love the cute punch art and of course the peachy keen!!! I have to create one for display at work this coming week and I'm so glad to see yours.... this will be my first one, too!!! Awesome inspiration! Hugs,

  9. Oh wow you did a great job, love how it looks like a sort of picture story book and is so colourful with a great choice of images and dies. I wouldn't of had a clue where to start with this lol
    Kim xXx

  10. Utterly fabulous!
    Love everything about it.
    So much dimension & texture...very pretty book.


Thank you for visiting and taking the time to leave me a comment. Viv xx