Friday 13 August 2010

Sorry I'm late! Here's your FF Challenge #32

Oh dear! I have been to the hairdresser's and forgot to schedule my Fairy Fun Friday card before I went!
I wouldn't mind, but I made it WELL in advance. I'm useless!!!
OK, enough blabbering......... The challenge this week is to use this picture as your inspiration..........

Corrr! What wouldn't I give for a room THAT size!!!!

Well this picture said to me, terracotta, villa, lush growth......
So, here's my take on those elements..........

I combined 'Villa road' and 'Honey Beary' to make a scene that I think reflects the photo.
The terracotta villa, the lush grounds and the brown tones of the bear. I sponged the DP and sentiment to follow the colours through. The last piece being the chocolate ribbon that just breaks the card up a bit.

Well, I enjoyed using my little bit of imagination on this one and I'm sure YOU will do too! You WILL join in with us, won't you? 'Yeah, 'COURSE you will! Please hop on over and see the amazing samples over at Fairy Fun Fridays by my brilliant DT buddies. You will NOT be disappointed! TONS of inspiration to be had there! If you DO enter the challenge, you will be in with a chance of a super prize and a guest spot! Whoo Hoo! 

Well, I hope my card has given you a little bit of inspiration. Call back soon as I'll have some cards I made but couldn't show before, as the recipients hadn't received them.
'Till then have a wonderful weekend!



  1. What are you like Viv!!! hehe, it's a beautiful card hun, love the combining and the colouring is wonderful. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
    Suzi x

  2. What a peaceful scene using Honey Bear, and fab deep rich, oh nooo that word bugging me today "chocolate" ribbon is lush.
    Have a fab w/end
    Sue x

  3. This is genius to add this bear to the Villa road, your colouring is superb!

  4. Love your card..the colors and the combination of images and all work so well together! Great job!

  5. Love this card!! That pic is awesome! The colors are striking!

  6. Love your card, keep up your great work.

  7. he he he! You crack me up girl! I tell ya, a hair appt. can put everything on hold! HA HA! Your card is fabulous! Love how you combined images, Honey Beary looks perfectly at home there!


  8. Gorgeous card Viv, wonderful paper. Gotta go off and think about this one. Can't believe I won last week's challenge :o)
    Jackie xx

  9. Hi Viv, I so agree I could do with a room that size its stunning. Love your card it really is fabulous and those colours are lovely. With love and hugs Shirleyxx
    Hope you are keeping well.

  10. Viv, I love the background paper you chose, it really suits your image. Great piecing of the two images together.

  11. always try new & different things with Roberta's images! This is absolutley gorgeous! Gonna miss your uniqueness for sure!! XOXOXOXO


Thank you for visiting and taking the time to leave me a comment. Viv xx