Friday 30 July 2010

Challenge #30 at Fairy Fun Fridays

What a WEEK!!! It's been so hectic at chez Holden this week. Been here there and everywhere all week!
I thought when you retired, you took things easy. Pottering about in the garden, lazing around watching the world go by. I WISH! LOL
Just had a new suite delivered and OMG!! It's taken over the living room!!! It's MUCH larger than it looked in the showroom!  You have to come through the door in single file now!!...but Oh boy!! Is it COMFY!
We get our new car on Monday too. (Perfect timing 'coz that's our wedding anniversary)!

OK, enough waffle, onto this week's challenge at Fairy Fun Fridays.

 The challenge this week is .....ANYTHING 3D! Easy Peasy.
(anything that's not flat is 3D yeah)? 

I decided on decoupage using the gorgeous daffodils drawn by the VERY clever Fairy Queen, Roberta.
Available to purchase HERE.
I am SO fed up with rain, clouds and no sun, I thought I'd get back to Spring, even if it IS only on a card.

  You can see the decoupage better in this shot.

I printed the daffs out 5 times and coloured them with Copics before cutting elements out and attaching them to the base image with silicone.
Layered the MS 'Grass' borders with the MS Picket fence and Flowers punches.
I thought the 'garden twine' was a good finishing touch, (even though it's threads off a piece of Hessian) LOL.
I hope you play along with us. There are lots of prizes on offer and you may get to be our next week's Guest designer!

(Please step over there and leave the the Queen Fairy some love, (after you've ogled my DT mate's fabulous cards), she's very poorly at the moment! Get well soon Roberta!!!!



  1. Fabulous daffodils, Viv! Love the grass :D I'm convinced retirement is an excuse to ramp up activities. My in-laws are so busy we joke that we have to book them a month in advance LOL and they are in their 80's.

  2. Utterly Adorable Viv, I love the flowers and the little fence and border. Have a lovely weekend hun.
    Suzi x

  3. Love how you used the punches here to create all the layers, fantastic! And woohoo a new suite and a car, I think you're spoiled!

  4. Great card Viv !!! Love the layers using punches .... you're just toooo talented my friend.

  5. Your decopage matches your music--LOL. So very bright and spring like. Awesome.

  6. OMG this is flippin' STUNNING!!! WOW WOW WOW!!!!!!! I ♥ it!!!!

    Nikki ☺

  7. Hi Viv another gorgeous creation..great layers & fab daffs..def not enough hours in the day when we get to be OAP's..LOL

    Hugs Christine xx

  8. I love it! So pretty and yellow.. my favorite! Happy Anniversary! TFS

  9. Wow, Viv, it looks like life is NOT passing you by during retirement, but it sounds like you are having fun! Your card is fabulous this week. You sure did a lot of work cutting those daffodils out so many times, but it was worth it! They are gorgeous. I love the fence and garden twine too. Great job on the 3-D challenge this week!

    Hope you are having a great weekend!


  10. great scenery with the lovely daffodils, Viv........enjoy your new suite and car!
    xxx Margreet

  11. Absolutely fantabberlous Viv, fantastic colours and the layout is great :o)
    Love, Jackie xx

  12. how does the saying go "no rest for the wicked"..........just like this card, totally wicked (that 's a good thing)!! You have alot of paitience to print this off 5 times and cut and paste & cut & paste. turned out beautifully!

  13. so beautiful. You have inspired me to start trying my own hand with copics. Wish me luck!

  14. Adore the use of so many punches to make a fab scene for the daffodil. Love it!
    sue x

  15. Thanks for sharing some sunshine with this beauty! Love the daffs!haha

  16. I love what you did on this card and I wanna come play with your punches!!!!


Thank you for visiting and taking the time to leave me a comment. Viv xx