Friday 25 June 2010

It's another Fairy Fun Friday!

Hi everyone!
Today we have a theme...... Summer Vacation.
We want you to create a card/project, LO, anything that reflects your Summer Fun!!!
Well, for ME, it will always be the beach. Carefree days with my brother building sand castles and paddling.
Ahhh, happy days!

Ha Ha!!! I just LOVE Lewis and his (today) older sister Gillian.
(She could quite easily be be his KID sister next time).
I used kraft card, torn randomly for the 'sand' and plain blue card stamped with a swirl background stamp to depict the sea. The cloud  paper is by Pink Petticoat and the sentiment is by Autumn Leaves... Stampology.
I used Diamond glaze on the spectacles to make them look glassy. You can't tell very well though, sorry.
Did you notice Lewis's sunburn!! Ha Ha!!(Courtesy of my Copics).  I HAD to do that as my brother and I ALWAYS over did it on the beach and got terrible sunburn!! That was in the days before all the warnings, so please don't shout at me. LOL

Hop on over to the Fairy Fun Friday challenge blog where you will see the fantastic creations by the uber talented DT!! They have captured the essence of the challenge brilliantly.
I do hope you join in with the challenge. Roberta, always has a fab prize on offer and you could be our next guest designer!!!

Thanks for calling by Viv xxx


  1. This made me smile Viv, I love what you've done to the images, and the torn paper for sand is just amazing.
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
    Suzi x

  2. BAWAAhhahahaa!! Love the sunburn. You crack me up! And Kraft for sand. Ingenious! Fab Card girl!

  3. Cute!! I loved the beach as a kid (mind you we did live in the tropics and the water was MUCH warmer than it is here LOL!). Thankfully we have a beach only 10 minutes away and the kids love going as well. Love the images and your cloudy sky.

  4. I LOVE your FAIRY FUN FRIDAYS!! Your card is just BEAUTIFUL!! It almost looks like we used the same background for my new card I JUST posted on my blog!! I guess GREAT minds DO think alike!! Have a GREAT day Sweet Viv!
    Big Peachy Hugs,

  5. Great fun card Viv, gave me a chuckle :o)
    Jackie xx

  6. Wonderful card, Viv! This image is just the cutest ever and I love the scene you have put together for them. I especially love the clouds. Great summery beach colors too!

  7. Hi Viv, what a pair, Im sure they are enjoying themselves by the looks on their faces. The colouring is stunning. Well done with love and hugs Shirleyxxxx

  8. Viv, this card is inspiring, how brilliant of you to make them a different size and make Lewis look like the little brother. Wonderful idea and beautifully put together.

  9. Hiya Viv, just love your card sweetie really remembers the time I had at the beach on an Island we call Texel....allways went there with my mom, dad and love it sweetie and thanks for your very sweet comment on my blog. Hope you will have a fab evening. Hugs Terry xxxx

  10. Fantastic Viv, and perfectly coloured. A real fun card.


  11. Viv, this is so stinkin' cute! I love those little characters and the sunburn on Lewis is hilarious. What a great card with fabulous coloring. Now I am going to have to get these cuties and enter the challenge!

  12. Happy Summer Viv!!! Your beach card is totally cute!!! The images are so fun!!! Wish you could come and hang out with us here on the Georgia beaches :)!!! Hugs ~S~


Thank you for visiting and taking the time to leave me a comment. Viv xx