Friday 4 June 2010

Challenge 22 at Fairy Fun Fridays

Hi Everyone!
Yet again, Friday has whizzed round and it's time for the latest challenge over at Fairy Fun Fridays.
This week's challenge is..... 'Decorate a bag'.

This posed a problem for me, 'coz I didn't have any bags! (Well actually, I DID have some paper bags, but I had never used them, so had a clear out, ARGHHHH)!! That'll teach me to never throw anything away.
So, thinking cap on Viv. 'Decorate a bag, WHAT bag! Haven't got a bag. YES I HAVE!!!
LOADS of cello bags for putting cards in!! So, I stretched the challenge a bit and actually used a bag more than decorate it.
(This actually worked out well for me, 'coz it's for someone who's been through the mill a bit lately health wise similar to me).

Here were are.......

 The fabulous digi image, part of the set 'Tea Time' is perfect for this.

Inside showing the cello bag containing some English tea bags.

I got the instructions off SCS HERE, as usual. I would be lost without that forum! I had to adapt the width to accommodate the cello bag, but otherwise, It's exactly the same. Just substituted treats for tea!
 Now just you wait and see what the other brilliant DT members have in store for you!! They did wonders with their bags. (Gotta get me some bags now I've seen how they did theirs)!!!
Hurry on over to the Fairy Fun Friday challenge blog and play along for a chance to win some delightful digi images. Or play just for fun! Whichever you do, have FUN!!

Thanks for calling by!
Viv xxx


  1. You are a clever girl Viv, this is amazing, love the idea of the Tea. Fab Teacup colouring and I love the overall design. I'm sure your friend will appreciate it very much. Have a lovely weekend hun.
    Hugs Suzi xx

  2. You're so clever - I love this idea. And you make that tea set look so good. Fabulous darling!

  3. This came out PERFECT Sweet Viv!! I LOVE IT!!
    Big Hugs,

  4. Aren't you clever! Love how you decorated your holder. The punched edge is wonderful as is the row of flowers. Well done :D

  5. Love this, Viv! The row of flowers and the punched border are gorgeous, as is your beautiful coloring. And yummmmmm ... tea!

  6. Beautiful! Lovely colors and design.

  7. Well I think it is perfect! It is most definitely a bag! A very lovely one at that! I am sure it will cheer your firend up!


  8. What a brilliant idea Viv, so innovative and it's gorgeous :o)
    Jackie xx

  9. Hi Viv... this is fabulous, and what a great idea... you just keep getting better n better


  10. Viv, your creations are all soooo wonderful - what a fab idea!

  11. Hi Viv, wow love that card and the tea bags, they would go down well in our house for sure. With love and hugs Shirleyxx

  12. This is just gorgeous, Viv! I LOVE the color and the flowers are so lovely! I think it was great idea to make the tea bag holder!


Thank you for visiting and taking the time to leave me a comment. Viv xx