Monday 24 May 2010

It's a Peachy Keen day!!!

We have another terrific challenge for you today over at Peachy Keen!
"Create a recipe card for your favorite picnic/BBQ salad or side dish"!
Well, they're not called challenges for nothing and this WAS a challenge!!!  I'm a... 'can't cook, won't cook' type of person, so this was making my hair curl I can tell ya! Well, I'm no quitter, so I dived on Firefox and looked up free summer recipes. (Didn't want to infringe anyone's copyright, did I)! Yay!! Got one.
(Got loads actually, but wanted to colour in my fave cherries and strawberries again).
Hmm, got the recipe, now what! Think Viv, THINK!! Hmm, picnic = picnic basket. 
Found the perfect one HERE.
Printed some red gingham paper from Pink Petticoat and that became my 'tablecloth'.
Stamped out lots of Peachy Keen's cherries and strawberries, (PK-239 Faceless Fruit).
Stuck a cocktail stick on the back of one of each, then stuck another over it. That way, it looks the same whichever angle you're looking from. Plus, I could poke the cocktail stick through the gingham paper and make it look as if the fruit was sitting up in the basket. Now, I don't have a PK lemon, so I had to be creative with the MELON! I just coloured it lemon, then drew in some segments. Sorted!
I'm REALLY pleased with my picnic basket. (My paper engineering is coming on a treat)!

Here's the front of the basket with the all-important recipe!
Side view so you can see the 'fruit' sitting up...............

And the back view with my melon lemon LOL......................

I really enjoyed puzzling out how to do this and I will definately stay out of my comfort zone a lot longer now I've got this under my belt.
Please hop on over to the Fabulous Peachy Keen blog for all the details and see all the scrummy recipe projects the other MEGA talented DT members have cooked up for you! You are warmly invited to join in with the challenge and I can't WAIT to see all those mouthwatering recipes.
Have a fabulous week!!

Thanks for calling by
Viv xxx


  1. This is DELISH Viv! LOVE every bit of this!!!

  2. And so you should be Viv, wow those papers are gorgeous as is your basket, I just wish it was full of real fruit instead of the fabulous paper ones. Well done with love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxx

  3. Viv this is sooo cute! Your talent amazes me. I hope you health is getting better and I think of you often.

    Big Mamma
    Hugs & xxx

  4. Holy man Viv this is absolutely great. Meeee ttoooo, never know what kinda recipe to do! This one looks yummy as does the basket! I love it!

  5. This is awesome! You are so creative!

  6. This is fabulous, Viv!!! Just love all the DPs and how you propped up the fruit in the basket. It is amazing what one can come up with when challenged! I never used to do colour challenges and now I'm on a colour challenge DT - go figure :D

    Had to giggle at your cooking comment because I am right there with you :D Thankfully, DH loves to cook and is fabulous at it. (((hugs)))

  7. will your talent never end Viv, this looks fabulous, cant wait to see it in real life

  8. Oh wow Viv, this is absolutely fandabidozy, what a brilliant picnic basket :o)
    Jackie xx

  9. Cor blimey Mrs.. this is the bees knees... it might be outta your'e comfort zone, but you've done this challenge proud...


  10. Hiya Viv my goodness sweetie what a beautifull creation did you the little cherries...and the colors that you have Terry xxxx

  11. this is so cute,
    love the way you talked us through it!!

  12. This is totally fabulous what a juicy and colourful looking basket this is one great creation
    Lorraine x

  13. WOW VIV! This picnic basket is it.... HUGS...SK :)

  14. AMAZING! Well, Viv... If you were challenged on this one, I sure couldn't tell it. It looks to me like the creativity was just bursting out of you with this wonderful creation! Using the melon to make a lemon, was pure genius, and the whole picnic basket theme is just way beyond fun! You ROCKED this one out of day house, girl!! I LOVE IT!!!

    Love ya,

  15. Viv, this is fabulous. You sure rose to the challenge and did a wonderful job. Very clever and very lovely. Great job!

  16. I said it before , and I'll say it again...You put us all to SHAME! LOL this is so awesome it's borderline crazy! I LOVE IT!!!!!


  17. Wow Viv! This one blew me away! I love everything about it!!! Your watermelon turned lemon is fantastic! Way to ROCK this challenge!
    Big hugs, Janice

  18. Okay Miss Viv, you know you out did yourself w/this one my friend!! But ANYTHING you make is AWESOME!!! Great Job!
    Big hugs,

  19. Viv, I can't tell you how much I adore this little recipe basket. It is a real work of art!!

  20. This is just lovely! You did a wonderful job!!


  21. OH.. My sweet Vivienne!! THIS is a MASTERPIECE! I think it is BEYOND beautiful! Your coloring is amazing and the basket really shows how CREATIVE you are!! :) Love and Hugs, Kathy

  22. What to say, what to say!? I am THRILLED you're traveling out of your comfort zone 'cause you're making it look easy!!! Such an awesome little basket, one that anyone would be thrilled to receive as a gift. Thank you so much for showcasing Peachy Keen Stamps in such a perfect way! Hugs, Angelica

  23. Viv! I am in absolute awe of this basket you made. Your basket is truly amazing, and I love how your colored the fruit, and drew your lemon! This turned out very nice!


Thank you for visiting and taking the time to leave me a comment. Viv xx