Monday 12 April 2010

Cards For Men is folding!!!

Ha Ha!  Gotcha. It's the challenge for this week. FANCY FOLDS and our sponsor at Cards For Men is Heather of Fresh Brewed Designs.    Her cute designs are a sure fire winner, no matter what occasion your project is for.
So, for this week's challenge, we'd like you to create a project using anything but the usual basic bi-fold.
Simple and it makes a change, doesn't it! Not forgetting that it's for a man/boy.

I used the image 'Lazy Day Buggy'.

 Oh how I wish it was nice and sunny like that here!

Here's a view of the card opened
 This fold is called a 'Tri-fold'. I got shown how to do this by my friends at a crafting day.
The ticket stamp is part of a fantastic set by Autumn Leaves.
We'd love it if you play along, so please have a wander over to Cards For Men and spy the other DT member's fab cards and get all the details. The prize is a $10 voucher against any Fresh Brewed images.
Good luck!

Thanks for calling by
Viv xxx


  1. Stunning card Viv, I love the papers and all the details youve put into it. Its fabulous.
    Hope that your are feeling ok, and managing to cope with everything thats going on. With love and thinking of you, hugs Shirleyxx

  2. Nice to see you up and making cards!
    How are you feeling? My friend just when through round 2 (what she calls them) of chemo. She is young,36 and found it on her own with her monthly check. So it is never to early to start with self-breast exams.

    Great "mans" card.

  3. You did get me! I was like awwww....
    Glad it is not folding. Boy did you rise to the challenge. I love your tri-fold card!! Hope you are feeling much better!
    Hugs, Janice

  4. Very good job on card. I like a lot this cute stamp.

  5. I really must try one of these as they are so much fun to look at! Great work, Viv!

  6. Wow, this is one awesome card. Love how you made this style look so nice. Perfectly balanced.

  7. Absolutely brilliant Viv, I love it :o)
    Jackie xx

  8. OMG, I LOVE this card!!!! VERY WELL DONE my friend!!:)
    Big HUgs,
    P.s. I hope you are doing well, been thinking about you:)

  9. Viv, love your tri fold card. They are so much fun to make. You did a great job. That image is so cute.

  10. Stunning Viv, I love the lovely fresh colours. Just fab as always.


  11. This is a more complex trifold card, and I love it. Can you give me a place to go to find cutting instructions?

  12. Thanks for all your lovely comments ladies. Much appreciated.

    1jmass, you can find instructions HERE. ;o) Hugs Viv xx


Thank you for visiting and taking the time to leave me a comment. Viv xx