Saturday 12 December 2009

My Mum


 In honour of my Mum who passed away suddenly last night (8th December).
It would have been her 91st birthday today.
This picture was taken just 6 months ago. She was always laughing.


  1. My deepest sympathy Viv. My heart, thoughts, and prayers are with you. hugs, eileen

  2. My thoughts and Prayers are with you in this time of sorrow! So Sorry for your loss!

  3. Oh Viv,
    I am so sorry to hear of your Mum's passing. She looked beautiful, it is hard to believe she was 90 in this picture. You must have gotten your happy nature from your Mum! You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
    Hugs, Janice

  4. Oh deepest sympathies to you and your family (((hugs)))

    I just loved reading about your going out with her to do Christmas shopping etc. She looks fabulous in this picture - what a great smile. May your heart be warmed by fond memories and may those around you bless you with their love and support. My prayers will be with you.

  5. OMG.. 1st how sorry I am. I am one of the lucky ones out there that knows the love between a mom and daughter. 2nd what a beautiful woman and you ARE so lucky. I don't believe in "was" she will forever be right there with you. I just asked my mother how old did she think she is.. she said not over 65-70 You have great genes. Stay strong. My prayers are with you.

  6. oh so sorry to hear... I give you all my sympathies xxx

  7. Ah, Viv,
    I'm so very sorry. From your blog I know you were close. I hope that comforts you in the days to come. My mom is getting older too, and I know I'd be lost. You, and your family are in my prayers.

  8. Awwwwwww .... Such a true photo of your blessed mum Viv - you are right she always managed to have a laugh with whoever you were and hopefully these memories will last forever.

    I'll ring you again later today my bestest ever friend.

    Loads of Love & Hugs,
    Pam xx

  9. Awwww sorry to hear of your loss. Mum's are so special and our relationship with them cannot be replicated - its truly unique. Hoping you can remember all the good times and fun times and loving times you've shared over the years and that they carry you through this time.
    Keeping you close in prayer and love, from a distance.
    Hugs, Michey xxx

  10. Oh Viv, how sorry I am about your Mum's passing, but be comforted in the knowledge that you were a wonderful Daughter to her. You know I am with you in spirit.
    Big Hugs,
    Jackie xx

  11. Soooo sorry to hear about your Mum,Viv.Lots of luv xxx

  12. Viv I'm so sorry to hear this sad news. Keeping you all in my thoughts.

  13. I am so sorry for your loss Viv, sending you all our best wishes and hoping that they will comfort you for a short while
    Sandra and Garry

  14. So sorry Viv to hear of your sad loss. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family.
    Suzi x

  15. Viv,

    I'm so sorry to hear such sad news. I'll be thinking of you and you have my email if you need to chat or shout or anything.

    Donna xx

  16. So sorry to hear of your loss. Thoughts and prayers go to you and your family at this sad time.

  17. Oh Vivienne, Im so sorry, I know exactly what you are going through I lost my mum just 4 weeks ago, and its hard, if you need someone to chat to please feel free to email me. You are in my thoughts and prayers. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxxxxx

  18. Trying to explain sympathy in a foreign language is even more difficult than in one's own. Though your loss is hard to bear, you have the blessing to know that she did have such a long life, lasting good health, you beside her and in the end no suffering. I am with you in my thoughts and prayers.

  19. Oh Viv, I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. My heartfelt condolences to you and your family. Big hugs, Fran x

  20. Oh Viv I'm so sorry to hear of your mum's sudden passing I will keep you in my prayers.

  21. Viv I am so sorry to hear about your mother, she has a beautiful smile in this pic. {Hugs}

  22. I am so sorry for your loss. It is sad to lose anyone, but to lose your mum is so very difficult. May good memories and good friends comfort you as you grieve.

  23. Awww Viv... I am just so sorry hun. I know from reading your blog you both had a very special bond. I am not very good with saying the right thing but I hope that tomorrow will not be forgotten for you xx Huge hugs & deepest sympathy xx Clare x p.s could you send me your address x

  24. Oh Viv! I am so sorry about your mum's passing sweetheart. She is in a better place, but I know that does not console your loss. Just think you will be able to hug her someday in heaven! (((Hugs)) and Prayers for you friend! Lori

  25. Oh Viv I am so sorry to hear of your mum's passing. My deepest sympathy to you and your family.
    Take care
    Andrea x

  26. I am so so so sorry to hear about your Mom!!! My mom passed away 22 years ago December 6th. You are so very lucky to have her for so thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time!!!

  27. Oh `ViV` So so sorry to hear your sad news......
    Keeping you in my thoughts..sending our condolonces to you and your family...
    Many Blessings.....
    `Take Care` xxx

  28. My God Bless you and your family in this time of rememberance. We just went over Thanksgiving to visit my 97 1/2 year old grandma of which we all know her time will be soon. I know how difficult this time is for you right now and my prayers are with you and your family!

    A ledgend is never gone, sometimes just in our physical touchings but is always an impression in our heart!

    Denise Wells

  29. My Dear Sweet Friend, Vivienne. How sorry this news is. :( I will continue to pray for you and your family during this sorrowful time. I miss you terribly - it is great to "SEE" your Mum
    and the trait of laughter.. she passed on to her daughter! Love you so much Viv - please take good care! Love and HUGS.. LOTS AND LOTS OF HUGS!! :)Kathy

  30. I am so sorry to hear about your Mum, your are in my prays and thoughts.

  31. awwh Viv, she is beautiful:) Now you'll have an angel on your shoulder watching over you everyday as you create your BEAUTIFUL cards!
    My thoughts & prayers are w/you & your family:)

  32. Ohhh I am so sorry to hear this.
    You are in my thoughts..

    Big hugs,

  33. I am sorry for your loss. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

  34. I am so sorry, Viv, to hear of your sad loss. My daughter and I are so very close, in the same way that you and your mum are close, that I feel I know just how devastated you must be.

    My thoughts are with you at this very sad time.

    Carol xx

  35. Oh Viv, I'm so sorry to hear your awful news.
    You and your family are in my thoughts.

  36. Viv, so sorry to hear of your loss.
    My thoughts and prayers are sent your way.

  37. So sorry Viv, you mum looks so cheerful in this photo. I'm sure you have some lovely memories of her laughter. Marianne x

  38. Dear Viv,
    I am so sorry to hear about your mother. She looked like a kind, beautiful, gentle soul. My deepest sympathy goes out to you and your family. {{hugs}}

  39. My deepest sympathy for you and the family...


  40. Hugs & prayers to you and your family.

  41. Viv I am so, so sorry to hear about your mum's sudden passing, I know how close you were, such a shock. I am thinking of you and you know if you need anything, I am always here. Today would have been my dad's 92nd birthday but I know he is looking down on me and he and mum are at peace, take comfort in knowing that your mum has gone to a better place.

    Love, hugs and prayers

  42. Viv I was so sorry to hear of your loss. Our thoughts are with you at this sad time


  43. Viv, she is beautiful and my deepest sympathies are with you and your family. You can see where you got your spirit from. :)

  44. So sorry to hear about your mum... May the peace of God surround you and uphold you during this difficult time. You are loved!

    Big hugs ~ Lorixx

  45. i am so sorry (((( My deepest sympathy Viv.

  46. awww, i am so sorry. May the peace of God surround you and uphold you during this difficult time.
    I am thinking about you.
    Hugs Babsi

  47. I am so sorry for the loss you and your family have had. Your mom looks like a woman who was full of love laughter and spunk!

  48. Oh Viv, I am so sorry to read this sad news. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

    With Love, Nikki xx

  49. Oh Viv...I am so sorry!!! I will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers...hugs my sweet friend.

  50. So sorry to hear about the loss of your Mum!

  51. Oh Viv, I am so sorry to hear your Mum has passed away, my thoughts are with you and your family. x

  52. I'm so Sorry and Sad to hear of your loss Viv. What a Beautiful photo of your mother. I know you will miss her dearly. Take care Sweetie...My thoughts and prayers are will you and your family...Sending you a Big Hug! Ila

  53. So sorry to hear about your loss, my deepest sympathy.

  54. I am sorry for your loss...
    I hope you are always well and remember her...
    my thoughts are with you...

  55. Oh, Viv, I'm so sorry! In the photo your mother looks like a sweet and happy person. I hope he had a good life. I know you'll miss her.

  56. Oh my gosh, Viv, I have not popped in for a bit. I am so sorry about your Mom. What a lovely picture and she looked so happy. You are so blessed to have had her with you for so many years. I am sure she is looking down on you with pride and love. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs.

  57. Viv, I'm just reading the news now. I am so sorry for your loss. Keeping you and your family in my prayers.



  58. Oh my goodness, Viv, I'm so sorry I missed this or I would have sent my condolences much earlier. I am so very sorry for your loss and will be praying for continued peace and comfort. {{{Hugs}}}

  59. OH VIV! I am so so sorry... and I am also sorry that I only know until now that I am browsing your blog... Lots and lots of warm hugs to you my friend... ...SK :)

  60. oh my dear friend ,,you must think me awful but havent been blogging for ages too wrapped up in my own loss and thoughts i am so saddened to read of your loss sweetie and icouldnt mail you private i have lost your addy when computor crashed she was a beautiful loving lady and she will always be with you in your charactor and in your strength she will guide you .... all my love viv.......gentle hugs sassyxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Thank you for visiting and taking the time to leave me a comment. Viv xx