Tuesday 8 December 2009

Isn't he CUTE!

I just LOVE my new Peachy Keen snowman. He's the cutest ice-man on the block as far as I'm concerned. He's gorgeous. He's from the set 'Chill Baby Chill', PK-329, (as is the snowflake, stamped onto the base card). He's going to get a lot of inking is this little man.

I coloured him with my Copics as usual. I'm sure you can work the rest out. (The stamp is by Hero Arts).
If you play along with the current challenge on the Peachy Keen blog, you are in with a chance of winning not one, but TWO new PK sets!

Well that's all I've managed for the past few days. I haven't had much of a mojo. (Until Kathy at Peachy Keen sent me my new stamps that is)! I might just have got a bit of it back now! LOL

Thanks for calling by!
Viv xxx


  1. Oh this is really lovely! That image is so cute and I love the colours you've used. Lisa x

  2. Oh my, I haven't seen such a cute baby snowman like this one, he is adorable, and you've coloured him beautifully.

    Suzi x

  3. Hi Viv,
    He is super cute and colored so beautifully!! I love your color choices! The card is fantastic!!
    :) Janice

  4. He is DARLING! And I really like the blue/brown combo - very pretty!

  5. Oh my, Viv! Cute doesn't even begin to cover it! Aren't the new images awesome!!?? Your coloring is gorgeous, and I love the sparkle!

    BTW - Hot Tamales are a strong cinnamon gummi type candy. They kinda burn your tongue a little bit, and my DH loves them!

  6. Darling image! Love the sparkle on the hat and he is wonderfully coloured. Great colour combo adn I'm loving that sparkly star too :D

  7. even in this winter mess here in
    WI, he looks really cute!
    Just trying to stay warm!
    Brrr, it's cold out!

  8. Oh he definitely is a cutie, lovely card Viv

  9. Wow Viv, that card is absolutely GORGEOUS! I am so loving all my new stamps from Kathy also! Every single one of them are adorable!!

  10. He's great Viv. I thought you'd been quiet for a few days. Good to see you back.

    Donna xx

  11. Viv, he is adorable, I want him!
    Fantastic card :o)
    Jackie xx

  12. aw cute snowman!! I am happy he brought your mojo back!!

  13. Hi Viv noone would disagree with you here because he really is a cutie pie or should I say snowman. I love the design you have used with the snowflake

    Lorraine x

  14. Oh yes, he is VERY cute and your card is VERY, VERY cute!

  15. Awww he is just soooo cute hun xx Clare x

  16. Hihi.... yes, this is really cute!!! Also love the colours!

    Sweet greetings, Saskia :)

  17. cute card with the nice motiv and paper :-) i like it.

    lg renate

  18. He is very Cute, gorgeous card Viv. x

  19. I saw the beautiful image coloured in on Tuesday but this card makes him look absolutely fantastic.

    Love Pam xx

  20. VIVIENNE!! I didn't even see this! YOU DID A FANTASTIC JOB on this card.. as ALWAYS! You did a beautiful job my honey girl! Thanks for always doing such a great job, Viv! We would be LOST without you! BIG FATTY HUGS! Love, Kathy

  21. Viv, this card is absolutely beautiful! I LOVE the colors you choose! The snowflake is gorgeous! WoW!!When I saw it on the PKS website, I had to run over here and leave a comment!! :)

  22. This CARD is absolutely gorgeous! The colors are absolutely perfect, up to the bit of "frosting" on the hat top and brim. You really knocked this one out of the park, Viv! LOVE IT!


Thank you for visiting and taking the time to leave me a comment. Viv xx