Tuesday 17 November 2009


It's that time of the week again folks! Boy oh boy, the weeks are flying by now!
Well, here it is.... my penultimate card as Guest Muse for Mercy's awesome challenges!
Only one more left to do before I hand over to the December Guest Muse.

This is your sketch ...... They are almost a card in themselves!! Amazing!

Here is what I came up with......


I really wanted to do white and gold and the sketch was just the job for it!

The tree is a Hero Arts stamp that I embossed with detail gold. The panel behind it was embossed with a Sizzix embossing plate. The flourishes are Spellbinders and the gold sprigs are from my EK Success punch.
I layered the white card with gold mirri board.
The little greetings tag is from Craftwork Cards.

I hope you like it and will play along with Mercy's sketch challenge again this week.
Please link your project on Mercy's blog using the Mr. Linky facility. This makes it easy for us to visit you and see what you've created.
If you upload to a gallery, e.g. SCS or Papercraft Planet to name but two, please use the keyword MTSC48.
Please stop by the DT blogs and give them some love. You will LOVE what they have come up with!
AWESOME girls, every one of 'em!

Mercy Kerin (Mega Muse)
Cindy Haffner
Crystal Birr
Jackie Pedro
Jessica Diedrich
Julie Lacey
Pam Speidel
Pam Varnell
Shannan Teubner (Taking a much needed break)

Thanks for stopping by and if you were to leave me a comment, I'd be chuffed to bits!
Viv xx


  1. Oh wow Viv, what a beauty. I love everything about this, I hope you are bringing that tree and punch to mine on Sunday :o)
    Jackie xx

  2. Awesome card Viv! So, so PRETTY!

  3. Oh I love this one Viv, its very classy. just that hint of gold, is fabulous

  4. i love the simple elegance of this gold and white beauty! the embossing, the pearl accents, the sparkle of ribbon, the diecut accents...every little detail is perfection!

    thanks for another wonderful sample this week, viv...YOU ROCK!


  5. Wow this is gorgeous!! So elegant with the gold accents and the white.

  6. Viv, such an elegant card. The White and Gold are beautiful.
    bye for now,


  7. Viv, this is so elegant and just absolutely stunning. Love it!!! Hugs!!

  8. This is just gorgeous! Love the gold accents!

  9. Very elegant, Viv. Love the white and gold combination and your embellishments are beautiful. This is a great sketch, I love long cards. Guess I will have to play along.

  10. WOW... Viv... this card is GORGEOUS beyond words! What does "chuffed" mean? LOL.. I love your cards and you are just such a blast! Wish we could hang out sometime! Big Hugs, Your friend, Kathy

  11. One can never go wrong with white in gold in my books :D Lovely sample of Mercy's sketch! Love the tree image and the gold foilage. Great card.

  12. Wow, what a beauty this is - it's gorgeous!!!!!

  13. GORGEOUS Viv! LOVE LOVE LOVE the elegance of this!!

  14. FABULOUS take on the sketch, love it.

  15. Very well done . Better then off some store shelf ! Beautiful.

  16. Wow!! So Gorgeous..and Elegant!!...White and gold...so striking!!..Hugs, Ila


Thank you for visiting and taking the time to leave me a comment. Viv xx