Thursday 29 October 2009

Mercy's Sketch challenge meets an Anniversary

It's been quite a week for me this week! Nothing happens for months, then it all kicks off at once!
Now it's Harvey's turn! He kept us awake all last night with a sore ear. It came on so quickly!! Poor baby.
We took him straight round to the vet's this morning and she told us that he was prone to waxy ears and as a result, infections!! She cleaned his ear (after a fight), which was by now red and angry looking  and gave us 3 lots of medication for him.
Already he seems a lot happier, whereas I'm shattered!!! Ha Ha
 Anyway, all is well in his little world now, which is all that matters.

On to this card I made for my best friend's wedding anniversary.

I've not been idle! I've done some other cards which I can't show or tell you about yet. (Can't WAIT)!
I went to our wonderful friends in Derby on Sunday and had a fabulous day. Pauline was the hostess with the mostest and we got a craft shop trip in too!It's called Monks Den Crafts and is in Leicestershire.
Monday passed in a blur and Monday night/Tuesday morning started feeling ill. I spent all day Tuesday in bed with a raging headache and feeling really sick. (I'm starting to wonder if I'm getting Migraines)!
Fine and Dandy yesterday, which is fortunate as I always go to Mum's on a Wednesday regularly.
I do go other days, but Wednesday's are fixed in tablets of stone!
Today is the first day I've had to spend in my craft room after sorting Harvey out, so I'm going to make at least ONE card today.

Thanks for sticking with me my lovely blogging friends.I've neglected you all shamefully and I apologise. I will try to get to visit you all really really soon.
In the meantime, have a great day! (It IS almost weekend).
Take care.

Viv xxx


  1. Hi Viv sorry about Harvey hope he's better soon, great card so fresh looking very classy.

    Hugs Christine xx

  2. This is so pretty Viv!! I am so happy to see you back, I've missed you!!

  3. Such a pretty in pink card. Sorry to hear about Harvey. Sending hugs.

  4. Beautiful card Viv. Hugs to you and Harvey. x

  5. vivi...this is so wonderful! love the monochromatic pinks with the *pop* from the green ribbon! simply gorgeous!

    thanks for playing along with my sketch for this've done an amazing job! :)


  6. Oh what a nightmare Viv. Hope little Harvey is loads better now. Fab card hun xx
    Clare x


Thank you for visiting and taking the time to leave me a comment. Viv xx