Tuesday 6 October 2009

At long last!!!!!!

I can share the news I hinted at in my previous post.
My eldest son and his partner have just been delivered of a baby girl at 6.57pm this evening.
Her name is Tegan and she weighs 7lb 9oz.
I don't have a picture of her yet, as my son is still at the hospital. I will post one just as soon as I get one.
I will be high-tailing it over to the hospital  to see her tomorrow. After having four beautiful grandsons.....I now have my very first grand-daughter!
I'm SOOO happy!

Viv xxx


  1. Oh Viv many many Congratulations We have two little grandaughters and one little grandson and they are our world. Think of all the PINK. I had so much fun buying blue as my grandson is the youngest your going to have so much fun. If your hubby is anything like mine she'll be spoilt. Hope they are all well. Take care Bernie xx

  2. Many congrats to all Viv you'll spoil her rotten & have lots of cuddles.

    Hugs Christine xx

  3. Oh Congratulations Nanna. What a lovely name too. Can't wait to see the piccie of the new addition to the family. Congrats to you all xx Clare x

  4. Congratulations on the arrival of your granddaughter...may she bring you lots of happiness!!!


  5. many congrats granny viv....our grandkids are all special and like me my first grandaughter well it was time to hit the pink shop lol!!!!.....hugs and kisses to baby and welcome her to our world with a kiss.........my moto is the only thing worth stealing is a kiss from a sleeping baby lvs to you all.....sassxxxxxxx

  6. Congratulations, Its the best news, Its pink all the way now Viv, n someone you can share your stash with!! Im so pleased for you, n best wishes to the proud parents.


  7. That's great news Viv ...... Congratulations to the proud parents and Grand parents .... I'm sure that it was well worth the long day you've all had.

    Love Pam xx

  8. Congratulations Viv. Can't wait to see a photo. x

  9. Congrats! I am so happy for you!! Enjoy your beautiful granddaughter!!


Thank you for visiting and taking the time to leave me a comment. Viv xx