Thursday 9 July 2009

SASSC23! How daft am I!!!

I was sitting here at my craft table, playing away, not a care in the world when (eventually) it dawned on me that it is NOT Wednesday, but THURSDAY! ARGHHH!!!!
Me Stamps and Smiles sample wasn't done!! I thought I had all the time in the world. NAH!

So, at last, made in a hurry, by an idiot that doesn't know what day of the week it is, ..... is my Stamps and Smiles sample card for SASSC23.

CS is Bazzil, (as usual).
Birthday cakes from 'Happy Birthday Cupcake', coloured with Copics
Glamour Dust for frosting.
Ribbon and metal greeting from stash.

It looks a bit Scandinavian with those colours, don't you think?

Please bob on over to the Fresh Batch blog to catch up on all the gorgeous cards the other DT members have created (on time)!!

Join in if you can, you will be in with a chance of winning a goody bag off Jennifer, the owner of SAS.
All the deets are on the SAS blog.

You don't have to have SAS stamps to play and there's no time limit. But if you want that goody bag, you will need to upload your project to Mr. Linky before next Thursday. ;0)

Have a brilliant weekend, when it finally gets here!



  1. A stunner Viv, and little prep too - you're a gud'un!

  2. bloomin' gorgeous
    sandra x x x

  3. You don't really want me to answer that do you Viv :o)
    Fantastic card, nobody would ever know it was made in a hurry. Aint those colours just great together :o)
    Jackie xx

  4. vivi...this is perfect! love the colors and the way you've showcased the birthday cake...perfection!

    thanks for another amazing sample for my rock!


  5. Hee hee happens to the best of us. Love your card, so sweet.

  6. He,he,he - Viv - you sound like me....I lost all sense of day, date and time!!! I'm glad my girls are going back to school here soon and maybe then I get my life back on track - LOL!!!

    I think your (Scandinavian) card looks beautiful - LOL!!! Great take on the Sketch!!! Hugs ~S~

  7. Your card is Gorgeous Viv!!...sure doesn't look like a hurry up card to me!!...OMGosh...what day you say it was?, Ila

  8. Made in a hurry? Whatever!! This is gorgeous, Viv! Those complimentary colors just pop off the page! Great work!!!!!!!!

  9. Sweet card Viv, LOVE the fun color combination and fun use of the birthday cakes.

    Hugs, Jennifer :)


Thank you for visiting and taking the time to leave me a comment. Viv xx