Saturday 4 April 2009

Shiny Apples

I made this after seeing Crystal's sample for Stamps and Smiles sketch challenge.

I just loved the colours she used and decided to 'have a go' as they aren't colours I usually put together.
I omitted the So Saffron colour, purely because I got carried away and forgot.
(Count the sun-rays on the box's label as the So Saffron)! LOL
I used the Fiskar's Threading Water border punch to add a little bit of an accent.
A Nestie scalloped circle behind a Leone EM Hollyhock punch-out behind a 1" circle punch-out, makes up the greeting.
The DP is SU DSP in Bashful Blue. (Not that you can see a lot of it). LOL
LOVE that turquoise CS. I coloured the stamped image with Copics and 'polished' the apples with Glossy Accents.
Well... Thanks must go to Crystal for her inspiration and to Jennifer for sourcing the Top Note Die for me, not to mention the ego boost she always gives me! ;0)

Thanks for stopping by, I love your visits. Viv xxx


  1. Wow Viv, you've done it again, this is another masterpiece. I love everything about it :o)
    Jackie xx

  2. I always love checking in here to see what you've been up to. It's always sure to be a feast for the eyes, and today is no exception. Love your coloring and the shading on the image panel - so rich! Wonderful color combo too!

  3. Hi Viv :) Your card is BEAUTIFUL! LOVE the top note die and your coloring is beautiful!!

    Great layout and design Viv!! I hope Alan is doing well and you are having a wonderful weekend!

    Hugs to you,
    Jennifer :)

  4. Wonderful card Viv... love red and blue together... lovely stamp and super coloring...HUGS..SK :)

  5. I love these apples and your shading is so pretty! Thanks for sharing. They look good enough to eat!

  6. Oh Viv this is beautiful. I love how you sponged on the outside of the main image panel. It's makes the image look like it has a light shining on it. Beautiful!!

  7. vivi...this is stunning! i love the idea of making masculine cards,but i always tend to make girly ones instead! LOL! i guess it's because i have a houseful of guys! ;)

    amazing job!

  8. Great card - Jackie told me about the Satmp and Smiles on Friday at DD's - as she had her card for the challenge card with her. I have been and had a look at the web site - Lesley

  9. Hi Viv, gorgeous card - love those shiny apples and that top note die is on my 'to get' list!

    Sorry to hear about your hubby- must have been scary for you both. glad it wasn't heart attack (sure it wasn't to do with seeing all your 'stash' coming out your room during your cleaning sess?!!!! :P) Seriously though - hope they find out the cause soon. have a lovely sunday. Hugs, Fran xx

  10. Viv, your coloring is fab. I love the card... great colors... Hugs from Silke

  11. Could just eat one of those lovely
    apples. Another fantastic card Viv.

  12. I love this card, the colours are great! I just need to ask, where did you get your punch that makes the slot for ribbons from? I see it every so often and would love one!

  13. This is such a clean card xx Absolutely gorgeous xx
    Clare x

  14. Viv its a stunner, love everything about it,

  15. WOW Viv, what gorgeous coloring!! Love the layout and embellies too! So so pretty!

  16. Viv, this is absolutely gorgeous. The shading around the main panel sets it off perfectly. Great job with your Copics.

  17. Beautiful!!..I love these colors and the image, coloring and layout is Fabulous!!....I just got the SU top note die looks Wonderful the way you've used it!!...Have a Very Happy Easter!!...Hugs, Ila

  18. Hey Viv! Such a pretty card! It's a great card to give to a gardener friend! Love the sponging around the Top Note shape and your pretty coloring of the image!! Awesome job!!



Thank you for visiting and taking the time to leave me a comment. Viv xx