Friday 27 March 2009

Blog Candy!

Gina from the Card Kabin is offering this scrummy candy.
It ends on the 31st so you've got time to mosey on over and throw your hat in the ring.

She's also tagged me to show the 4th photo in my 4th file.
This is my youngest Grandson Oscar at BJ & Claire's wedding in January.
Isn't he gorgeous!

Well I'm in the process of sorting out my craft room now I've aquired a filing cabinet.
Got it for £15 from the local recycling centre...(Council tip). LOL!
It's in perfect condition and I assumed I could fit all me craft room in it............nah.
Hardly made a dent. SO, time for a radical craftectomy!
I've filled two bin bags already with rubbish I've kept over the years,
saying 'that'll come handy for something one day'. *Rolls eyes*.
Some of the rubbish is so cringeworthy I couldn't get it in the bin bag quick enough!
But OMG!! it's shown me how much stuff I DO have and I will HAVE to stop buying DP!
(Well, maybe the odd sheet of SU). I can't MOVE for it!
I've got hundreds of punches I don't use but at the time, thought I HAD to have.
I reckon an Ebay day is called for.
I can't get to my table for rubbish and it's driving me daft. Wanna make cards, but can't with all this to sort. You shouldv'e seen the space I had to make my SAS sample!! 4 square inches!!
Well I reckon I've bored you all enough, so I'd better get back to sorting this room out......
Viv xxx


  1. LOL!!! It must be the week for it. I think you are about the 5th person I have seen doing this xx Clare x

  2. What an adorable picture, Viv!! LOL! I feel the same way. . I have so many DPs, Punches, stamps. . .it's not funny! Have fun organizing your room!!


  3. Have fun doing your room Viv..
    Osar is just `gorgeous`..
    Have a lovely weekend:)♥

  4. You'll feel better when you've done that. Very cathartic....clearing out.
    And my oh my is he going to break a few hearts when he's older.


Thank you for visiting and taking the time to leave me a comment. Viv xx