Monday 27 October 2008

Sue's blog candy challenge.

Hi everyone.
It's last minute Minnie as usual, but here's my card
for Suzanne's blogaversary candy challenge over on Slumber cards.
The idea is brilliant.

To quote Sue......
'Make a pink card and send it to someone who could do with a little tender loving care. It would be lovely if it was someone who's life has been touched by this terrible disease, but it can be anyone who could do with a kind word and a beautiful card to cheer them up.. I am sure we all know someone'. I do and this card is on it's way to her. ;0)

The challenge is open until the end of the month, so get making those gorgeous cards, tell Suzanne and link to her blog.

Happy Crafting! Viv xx


  1. Viv, this card is gorgeous. I love this stamp and the colours you have used are simply fabulous. Maria x

  2. Viv it was worth the wait it is gorgeous, thank you for taking the time to make the card and I am sure the recipient will be thrilled. Good Luck Sue :o)

  3. beautiful card Viv, love the colouring of the image and the layout you have used
    Gina xxx

  4. Love your card and your blog!
    I left you an award on my blog.
    Hugs from Belgium.

  5. Your card is gorgeous,luv the distressing & stitching :o)x

  6. Viv, this card is absolutely gorgeous, I am sure she will love it.

    Barbara xx

  7. This card is gorgeous! Hugs, Moni


Thank you for visiting and taking the time to leave me a comment. Viv xx