Wednesday 27 August 2008

Where did Tuesday go?

It went quickly, that's where it went! LOL

Had to take Mum to see a consultant at hospital yesterday.
Before I'd got her back home, they had rung to say there was a bed for her on THURSDAY!!

WOW! Beat that!!

Today is busy, getting all her stuff packed.
Putting her hair in rollers and doing any last minute shopping.

Took Harvey to obedience class again last night.
He was a little STAR!
He's doing really well considering most of the other dogs
could make mincemeat out of him as he's so little! LOL

I did manage to make a card, tired as I was.(Therapy)!

It's a 'Precious Moments' image, that I stamped a few of at my dear friend Issy's house, when Pam and I went a few weeks ago.

I wanted to use up the pieces left over from the previous one I did.

I used more of the lace as a kind of rosette round the SU greeting.

I cut the image out, which I regret now, so I put it on more white cardstock.

If I hadn't done that, I would have thrown it away.

What do you think?


  1. It is lovely Viv, I love the layout too. x

  2. oh viv.. i love love this.
    my friend bea made once a card with this image.. i simply adore your's too.

  3. Hi Viv! Luv all your latest cards,esp all the lace.
    Hope you & lil Harvey are well :o)x

  4. I love this image and you have coloured it beautifully Viv. x

  5. Gorjus card Viv, love the image and the colours. Berry pretty.
    Love Karen x

  6. Beautiful card Viv, love the image

  7. Viv your card is adorable! Your designs are so sweet and I LOVE how most always it has pink on them!

    Hope your mom is feeling ok and please tell Pam I say hello.

    LOVE always,
    Jennifer :)

  8. I think you did real well girl. Ikki

    ps Hope Mums okay. If you have time pop over to my blog and see if you approve of the way I have used your images.

  9. Hi Viv, lovely card and hope you are well. Hope mum is okay, not seen you for ages!!



Thank you for visiting and taking the time to leave me a comment. Viv xx