Thursday 29 May 2008

I'm not fed up now!!

Just put a post on bemoaning losing all my posts since 11th May after having my hard drive stripped and re-configured today, when after putting it up, it all re-appeared!!!
Whoo Hoo!!! I'm a blogger again!!!
I am in the process of putting all my settings back to rights,
so can't stop just now.
Just thought I'd let you know I'm back!!! :0)

Hugs Viv xx


  1. Glad you are bk Viv,missed ya! Luv to Harvey :O)X

  2. We missed you Viv, hope it continues to work! Give Harvey a kiss from us! :)

    Have a wonderful week, Jennifer :)

  3. oooh nice to see your back...and "HELLO" BY THE WAY ...GREAT PICCIE:)
    hAVE A GREAT WEEK.......:)

  4. Miss you! Hope you are ok.
    Hugs! xx


Thank you for visiting and taking the time to leave me a comment. Viv xx