Friday 4 April 2008

I'm not happy!

Please be warned! I was trying to emboss a Nestability die in my Cuttlebug this morning.
I should have stopped when the handle got tougher and tougher to turn.
But no, I kept going and before you know it....BANG! The left hand side shot off across the room and my CB 'died'.
The guy at Cutting Edge Crafts, (where I bought it's replacement this afternoon), told me that the CB cannot emboss Wizard dies. Any problem, Wizard dies, no chance. I never knew that!
Has anyone managed to successfully emboss a Wizard die on their CB?

I look at my little Cuttlebug and could CRY! It's only 12 months old! :(


  1. Oh Viv I feel for you it has happened to me twice.My cuttlebug came from cutting edge crafts and they replaced it for me then it happened again and they sent it back to the provo craft, they asked if I have tried embossing, the man at cutting edge crafts was very good and told a little white lie on my behalf. I am now on my third one but I only use it for embossing folders. I have a quickutz revelution which I use for cutting and embossing!!! Sue :o)

  2. Hi Viv,I use my Nestabilities in the Wizard all the time and I've embossed them with no problem. Sorry to hear about your Cuttlebug, I'd be totally lost without mine.
    I sent you an email last night, did you get it? My email is been really silly again!

  3. from top to bottom:

    plate B
    piece of card
    die (face down)
    card (to be cut)
    piece of card
    plate C
    Spacer A
    Hope this helps, dont use it myself as I use my wizard, but know quite a few who use Nestabilities with cuttlebug! It cuts and embosses in one go!

  4. from top to bottom:

    plate B
    piece of card
    die (face down)
    card (to be cut)
    piece of card
    plate C
    Spacer A
    Hope this helps, dont use it myself as I use my wizard, but know quite a few who use Nestabilities with cuttlebug! It cuts and embosses in one go!

  5. Thanks for your comments ladies. I really appreciate them. I was going to sell my Wizard, but don't think I will now.
    Andrea! Didn't get your e-mail Petal. :(
    Viv xxx

  6. Hi Viv, sorry to hear about the Cuttlebug, I have never used Wizard dies in mine, sorry cannot help. I came across your blog through Sue, I am so pleased to see your cards, I remember looking at yours on Docrafts. Your cards are looking great as I remember, I will be back to see more. x

  7. Sorry to hear the probs with you cuttlebug but I use nestabilities all the time.

  8. Sorry to hear about your Cuttlebug Viv. I do not understand why yours has dies, I emboss in mine all the time. I know the same thing happened to Sue though. What sandwhich did you use? I alsways follow the sandwhich which is on my blog under tutorials and never had a problem. Sorry, I hope you get a new one soon! :0) xx


Thank you for visiting and taking the time to leave me a comment. Viv xx