Thursday 3 April 2008

Happy Thursday everyone!

First of all, I made an extra PTW card, totally by accident, (as you do).
Started off doing something totally different and ended up with this one! :0.
Quite pleased with it now it's done. :)
Hope you like it too.

I didn't get on here yesterday as I went to visit Mum. She goes to a pensioner's club on Thursdays so I go and wash her hair and put it in rollers.
Hoover up and wash the pots etc. She's 90 at Christmas and her legs are bad, but apart from that, she's more with it than ME most times!...!! lol.
Have a peaceful and carefree day. :)


  1. Wow Viv this is gorgeous love the colours and your colouring is great!! Thanks for the info on Feux stitching I will be having a go!! Way to go Mum there is hope for me yet!! Sue :o)

  2. Fab card, beautiful colours, very pretty!

  3. love it Viv, the colours are really pretty and go so well together.


  4. Gorgeous card Viv, I love the green and blue together. See you Sunday!

  5. Love the layout on this card and the colours are fab
    Gina xx

  6. other smashing card Viv - well done.

    Love Pam xx

  7. Great card Viv. I love the colours and great layout with Tilda under the arch. Love how you have tied the two colours of ribbon too :0) xx

  8. Another great card Viv! Thanks for joining us...again!! lol! x

  9. Brilliant card Viv, as usual. What info on feux stitching??

    Still waiting for tildas to get into shop so am being patient, for a change.

  10. gorgeous card! love the green and blue together and the ribbon, you are very talented:)

  11. What a pretty card, and beautifully made too. I love the colours and the way you have created the wavy edge frame in blue and green.

  12. gorgeous card, I love that tilda and the colours are fantastic

    Tara x

  13. Love this card great work ,Dawnxx


Thank you for visiting and taking the time to leave me a comment. Viv xx