Friday 11 April 2008

Happy Friday everyone!

Made a couple of cards. One yesterday and one this morning.
The first one is for a challenge on The Batty Cave and the other one because i'd just got the Bunny stamp off Ebay.
Both the swirly backgrounds are from a Basic Grey Two Scoops (or vice verse),
paper pad.

I've been wandering all over blogland trying to decide who I should pass the 'you make me smile' award on to. I can't choose, because you ALL do! Please, ALL of you accept it from me to you. You ALL deserve it, because you ALL make me smile.
(Especially when you leave me a lovely comment). ;)

Look what I've won HERE!!!!!!
I AM a happy bunny. :)
Have a lovely weekend!!!! :)


  1. ........ Both cards are beautiful Viv but that bunny one with those fabulous loppy ears is sooooo cute. Well done on winning the card off Jennifer's sweet designs to - it's gorgeous.

    Love Pam xx

  2. 2 fabulous cards ,realy beautiful cards ,big congrats on your win
    Hugs Dawnxx

  3. These are lovely. Got to say love how you colour your stamped images in! Both fab, & a happy Friday to you too...
    Kerry xx

  4. Lovely cards and great papers. x

  5. Great cards, love them both! Both images are gorgeous :0) xx

  6. Your cards are great Viv, that bunny one is gorgeous


Thank you for visiting and taking the time to leave me a comment. Viv xx