Monday 17 March 2008

My first blog challenge card

Dipped me toe in the water with this challenge by Gina of the Card Kabin.
Hope it passes muster Gina!! :0


  1. This is fantastic, thank you for doing my sketch, I love it.
    SBS stands for Sisterhood of the blogging stampers, the link is here
    it will explain it better than I can. It took me a while to join one but pleased I did, you should give it a go, your cards are great and you get to meet like minded people who appreciate your hard work :)
    Gina xx

  2. Wooo Wooo Who's getting brave now then well done Viv - looks like you've certainlyu caught the bug!!!

    Love Pam xx

  3. lovely card and I love those Pink Petticoat papers

    Also I see you are near my parents house, they live over in Goostrey

    Tara x

  4. Great card, I love the colours and the papers xx


Thank you for visiting and taking the time to leave me a comment. Viv xx